Monday, September 30, 2019
Traffic Troubles
TRAFFIC CONGESTION: Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing. The most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles. When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, this results in some congestion. As demand approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the road), extreme traffic congestion sets in. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam or traffic snarl-up.Traffic congestion can lead to drivers becoming frustrated and engaging in road rage. CAUSES: Traffic congestion occurs when a volume of traffic or modal split generates demand for space greater than the available road capacity; this point is commonly termed saturation. There are a number of specific circumstances which cause or aggravate congestion; m ost of them reduce the capacity of a road at a given point or over a certain length, or increase the number of vehicles required for a given volume of people or goods. About half of U. S.à traffic congestion is recurring, and is attributed to sheer weight of traffic; most of the rest is attributed to traffic incidents, road work and weather events. [2]Traffic research still cannot fully predict under which conditions a ââ¬Å"traffic jamâ⬠(as opposed to heavy, but smoothly flowing traffic) may suddenly occur. It has been found that individual incidents (such as accidents or even a single car braking heavily in a previously smooth flow) may cause ripple effects (acascading failure) which then spread out and create a sustained traffic jam when, otherwise, normal flow might have continued for some time longer.Mathematical theories: Some traffic engineers have attempted to apply the rules of fluid dynamics to traffic flow, likening it to the flow of a fluid in a pipe. Congestion simulations and real-time observations have shown that in heavy but free flowing traffic, jams can arise spontaneously, triggered by minor events (ââ¬Å"butterfly effectsâ⬠), such as an abrupt steering maneuver by a single motorist. Traffic scientists liken such a situation to the sudden freezing ofsupercooled fluid. [4] However, unlike a fluid, traffic flow is often affected by signals or other events at junctions that periodically affect the smooth flow of traffic.Alternative mathematical theories exist, such as Boris Kerner's three-phase traffic theory (see also spatiotemporal reconstruction of traffic congestion). Because of the poor correlation of theoretical models to actual observed traffic flows, transportation planners and highway engineers attempt to forecast traffic flow using empirical models. Their working traffic models typically use a combination of macro-, micro- and mesoscopic features, and may add matrix entropy effects, by ââ¬Å"platooningâ⬠groups of vehicles and by randomising the flow patterns within individual segments of the network.These models are then typically calibrated by measuring actual traffic flows on the links in the network, and the baseline flows are adjusted accordingly. A team of MIT mathematicians has developed a model that describes the formation of ââ¬Å"phantom jams,â⬠in which small disturbances (a driver hitting the brake too hard, or getting too close to another car) in heavy traffic can become amplified into a full-blown, self-sustaining traffic jam.Key to the study is the realization that the mathematics of such jams, which the researchers call ââ¬Å"jamitons,â⬠are strikingly similar to the equations that describe detonation waves produced by explosions, says Aslan Kasimov, lecturer in MIT's Department of Mathematics. That discovery enabled the team to solve traffic-jam equations that were first theorized in the 1950s. [5] Traffic Troubles TRAFFIC CONGESTION:Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing. The most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles. When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, this results in some congestion. As demand approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the road), extreme traffic congestion sets in. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam or traffic snarl-up. Traffic congestion can lead to drivers becoming frustrated and engaging in road rage.CAUSES:Traffic congestion occurs when a volume of traffic or modal split generates demand for space greater than the available road capacity; this point is commonly termed saturation. There are a number of specific circumstances which cause or aggravate congestion; mos t of them reduce the capacity of a road at a given point or over a certain length, or increase the number of vehicles required for a given volume of people or goods. About half of U.S. traffic congestion is recurring, and is attributed to sheer weight of traffic; most of the rest is attributed to traffic incidents, road work and weather events.[2]Traffic research still cannot fully predict under which conditions a ââ¬Å"traffic jamâ⬠(as opposed to heavy, but smoothly flowing traffic) may suddenly occur. It has been found that individual incidents (such as accidents or even a single car braking heavily in a previously smooth flow) may cause ripple effects (acascading failure) which then spread out and create a sustained traffic jam when, otherwise, normal flow might have continued for some time longer. Mathematical theories:Some traffic engineers have attempted to apply the rules of fluid dynamics to traffic flow, likening it to the flow of a fluid in a pipe. Congestion simula tions and real-time observations have shown that in heavy but free flowing traffic, jams can arise spontaneously, triggered by minor events (ââ¬Å"butterfly effectsâ⬠), such as an abrupt steering maneuver by a single motorist. Traffic scientists liken such a situation to the sudden freezingà ofsupercooled fluid.However, unlike a fluid, traffic flow is often affected by signals or other events at junctions that periodically affect the smooth flow of traffic. Alternative mathematical theories exist, such as Boris Kerner's three-phase traffic theory (see also spatiotemporal reconstruction of traffic congestion). Because of the poor correlation of theoretical models to actual observed traffic flows, transportation planners and highway engineers attempt to forecast traffic flow using empirical models. Their working traffic models typically use a combination of macro-, micro- and mesoscopic features, and may add matrix entropy effects, by ââ¬Å"platooningâ⬠groups of vehicle s and by randomising the flow patterns within individual segments of the network.These models are then typically calibrated by measuring actual traffic flows on the links in the network, and the baseline flows are adjusted accordingly. A team of MIT mathematicians has developed a model that describes the formation of ââ¬Å"phantom jams,â⬠in which small disturbances (a driver hitting the brake too hard, or getting too close to another car) in heavy traffic can become amplified into a full-blown, self-sustaining traffic jam. Key to the study is the realization that the mathematics of such jams, which the researchers call ââ¬Å"jamitons,â⬠are strikingly similar to the equations that describe detonation waves produced by explosions, says Aslan Kasimov, lecturer in MIT's Department of Mathematics. That discovery enabled the team to solve traffic-jam equations that were first theorized in the 1950s.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Whether or not the civil rights movement has achieved equal rights for black people in USA and if so, to what extent
In this essay, I will aim to establish whether or not the civil rights movement has achieved equal rights for black people in USA and if so, to what extent. In order to do this, we must compare the situation for blacks in USA currently, to that of blacks many years ago. Absolutely no one would even try to argue that Black Americans had equal rights during, or even directly after the abolition of slavery. This would be ridiculous bearing in mind that many were forced to work from sunrise to sunset, an eighteen hour day in some places, with few, if any rights at all. At one point, slave owners were even given specific rights to brand, maim, whip or even burn disobedient slaves. This hardly indicates any sort of equal rights. They were unable to vote, serve on juries receive an education and work in certain trades. The fact that they were unable to serve on juries almost made certain that any black man could be tried and convicted even though totally innocent. Also, no voting meant no black politicians, and no politicians meant no say in government. There were a few lucky blacks living in the south who had managed to obtain freedom, some by purchasing their liberties and others handed their freedom after their masters had passed away. However, these blacks were constantly living in the fear that they could once again be taken into slavery. Most blacks had now been freed, yet they were not compensated for past labours, leaving them jobless and almost pennyless. Many ââ¬Å"white supremacyâ⬠organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan were formed solely to intimidate the black population. Public lynchings and public beatings became common place and very rarely was anything done about it in the courts as it was supported by many officials. After slavery was abolished, many years of black campaigning followed and gradually, the campaigning became more and more succesful. In 1870, the fifteenth ammendment was passed declaring the right for all to be able to vote regardless of race. This was seen as a real breakthrough yet celebrations were proved to be far too premature. At first everything seemed fine. States which had black majorities soon began to have black politicians who were more understanding to their plight. Free education was introduced and the system of having to own land to be able to have the right to vote was also scrapped. All seemed well and good until 1877, when the army decided that it was time to pull out of the southern states. This immediately left the blacks vulnerable to attack from the various groups which had been formed who had a great hatred towards the blacks. These secret organisations began using violence in order to prevent blacks from voting and this led to an almost immediate change. The lack of the black vote led to all white governments once again being elected and this in turn saw the re-introduction of many laws against those African Americans. Once again, control of the blacks was firmly in the hands of their white rulers. ââ¬ËJim Crow' laws were introduced enforcing segregation in various araes of life. Transport saw separate seating for blacks and whites. Separate schools and hospitals were also introduced. The segregation even went as far as having different cemetries for deceased whites and deceased blacks, even in church, they were sat seperately. The much lower wages that the blacks were being payed meant that they could only afford housing in more run down neighbourhoods, again leading to a seperation, with ââ¬Å"black onlyâ⬠towns. This residential segregation was even made compulsory in some states. Inter-racial marriages became a massive target for groups such as The Ku Klux Klan. They felt that this would lead to a society where racial categorization would become difficult and white dominance would become hard to maintain. Again violence was used to ensure that no inter-racial marriages could take place. If any kind of recession came round, black employees were always the first to be fired regardless of experience or quality of work and no blacks were allowed to join unions. This of course meant that in the event of any strike action, the blacks would continue to work arousing yet more hatred and hostility from their fellow white compatriots. After the white governments had been firmly re-established, the power of blacks was continually undermined. Successful black businessmen were attacked and any attempts to form black protection groups were quickly quashed. The KKK also introduced lynching for those blacks accused of commiting crimes, many of whom were completely innocent. This was seen as not really a form of punishment for criminals, but more a way of intimidating the local black population into accepting the rule of the whites. Yet again, the blacks were forced to accept the inhumane ways in which they were being treated and once again there was nothing they could really do about it. One hundred years on, to what extent have civil rights been achieved for blacks? On visiting America now, and comparing life to that of a hundred years ago, the most apparent difference is desegregation. Whereas blacks and whites were forced to attend separate schools, take part in leisure activities seperately, use separate transport and forced to be segregated in the supreme court, there is now no lawful segregation in the USA. Blacks have been given equal rights as far as voting goes and it has been this way for many years now. However, this did not mean that all Blacks were suddenly voting. There was still the problem of persuading blacks to register although, this has now been rectified with very public registration campaigns. The result has been a huge increase in the proportion of blacks registered to vote. There have been monumental chnages in attitudes towards blacks which has meant the uprising of many black celebrities which would have been unthinkable until recent years. A prime example of this could be that of black boxer, Mohammed Ali. His refusal to participate in the Vietnam War because of his personal beliefs, and being prepared to go to jail rather than back down, earnt him world wide respect. This went along with the respect that he had already gained from his doubtless talent in the ring. To this day, Ali is one of the most highly respected sportsmen throughout the world. Various blakc musicians have reached stardom also. Examples include Stevie Wonder, Tupac Shakur, Billy Halliday and Bessie Smith, who had to fight adversity throughout her career. However, even here there is the possiblity of racial discrimination having taking place as it is widely claimed that, after a car crash Bessie Smith was refused treatment due to the colour of her skin and as a direct result, died from excessive blood loss. Blacks have also been very successful in Hollywood, with both Will Smith and Samuel L. Jackson being among the top ten earners. This does not even take into acount Denzel washington, Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg and many others. The major turning point as far as civil rights were concerened, was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This finally insured equal oppurtunity for all, in terms of employment and otherwise. There were also affirmative acion programs set up to help those blacks, who through no fault of their own, were given very poor educations. Some blacks have even made a success of themselves by writing or talking about their difficulties in achieving liberation. Maya Angeou is one such person. The political influence of blacks is always rising and I have already spoken about the rise in blacks registered to vote. Recently, we have also seen the rise to prominence of some black politicians. Namely, Jesse Jackson and Colin Powell. Jackson ran for presidency in both the 1984 and 1988 elections and although he failed on both occasions, his skills as a negotiater have been proven on many separate occasions. His current title is Washington's special envoy to Africa. Colin Powell has come into the limelight much more after the very tragic events of September 2001. Much praise has been heaped on the Secretary Of State for the way in which he has handled the cris. He was often referred to as ââ¬Å"the face of Americaâ⬠in the aftermath of the attacks. There have also been great strides made in the way of economic progress. Many blacks have managed to break through into the middle classes. ââ¬Å"The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Airâ⬠is a popular, black sitcom in which one such family is portrayed. The father is a well respected lawyer and the family is shown to be living in great luxery. Similarly, there have been other very successful ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠shows such as ââ¬Å"The Cosby Show. There are now many, many black homeowners also, in complete contrast to the slavery which existed a century earlier. As yet, I have talked about the great amount of change and progress which has been achieved for blacks in USA, however, in the same period of time there have been many incidents and there are many facts which suggest that not too much has really changed. For example, many people argue that there is a continuity in attitudes of discrimination and they point to certain events to support this. Accusations of police brutality and heavy handiness towards blacks are constant and the Rodney King incident seems to justify this. Rodney King was a drunken, black driver, who after being stopped by police, was brutally assaulted by four police officers. The whole incident was video-taped by an on looker. Because of the video-tape, there was a resulting trial in which all four police officers were accused of using excessive force. However, the entirely white jury judged all four to have been not guilty of all charges and the result was the largest riots in Los Angeles' history. Many people were injured during these riots. Consequently, there was a second trial, in which two officers were again acquitted and the other two received minimum jail terms. There were fears of a second round of rioting which never materialised. Other such incidents include an African refugee being shot 24 times by police officers. To this day, there are still more blacks than whites on death row, which again leads to calls of discrimination by the police force and law courts. Earlier, I spoke about black successes in politics, pointing to Jesse Jackson and Colin Powell as examples. However, there has still been no black president, and it still does not even seem like a possibility in the foreseeable future. Even, with the prominence of Jackson and Powell, it can still be said that there is an exclusion of blacks in politics. The poverty trap of many years earlier also still exists in many parts of America, where the idea that if a black person was forced to live in a ghetto due to poor wages, there was really no way out and achieving something for their children as opportunities and resources were greatly limited. In conclusion, I think it is obviously clear that change has been achieved and progress has been made as far as civil rights are concerned and there will always be isolated incidents, which suggest otherwise. A great distance has been traveled on the road to achieving equal rights and hopefully, the last few miles will also be covered in the near future.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Plea of an Aborted Fetus
Every people who reads called a reader. As we read an article or even a story we always make our own interpretation on what we read. Two ways of reading is reading like a reader and reading like a writer. A reading expert named Steve Peha, theorizes that there are two ways of reading, one is reading like a reader. This way of reading is a normal way of reading. According to Peha there are six activities that readers do while they are reading. First is Question, in which we ask question to our self while we are reading. We are curious in happenings and unusual things in the story or text that we read.Questioning helps us to analyze more and to easily understand what we are reading. Second is Predict, as a reader we always predcit and make guesses about what is coming next to the story. Third is Infer, sometimes, readers try to figure out what the writer is saying about the story that are not actually in the text. In this way of reading we readers use our imagination. The fourth one is Connect, readers try ro connect their own story in what they are reading, many stories reminded readerââ¬â¢s life on a story they read. Next is Feel, readers usually feels what the story is saying, many readers express their emotions while reading.Sad parts make them sad, the feelings they express depends on what the story is saying. The last is Evaluate, in this way of reading we try to make judgements on the text or story that we read, we ask questions like, is it a good story? What is the goal of the writer why did he/she write this story? It was just a fine questions for evaluating a story or a text. Another way of reading is reading like a writer. Readers focuses on what the writer is trying to say, they wanted to know different techniques that writers used in making a story or text. Professor Peha enumerates six things readers who are writers pay attention to.One is Ideas, idea is the heart of the story, without this a story can be just a simple story without a beautiful i dea. Second is Organization, this refers to the order of ideas and the way the writer from one idea to the next and how the writer organize the story to be more interesting to read. The third is Voice, this refers to the feeling of the writerââ¬â¢s individual personality through words. The writer just using the characters in the story or text just to express how he/she feels. Fourth is the Word Choice, this refers to the different words and set of phrases that writers used in the text to gather more attention of the reader.Fifth is the Sentence Fluency, this is the rhythm and flow of the structured sentence used by the writer in the text or story. Last is Convention, in making a text we have to be reminded that there are important parts like punctuation, grammar and spelling. Those are things that make writing consistent and easy to read. REACTIONS After I read about Pehaââ¬â¢s two type of reading, I just realize that reading is not an easy thing to do, you have to use not onl y just your lips to read and yoyr mind to think.In reading for us to understand it more, we have to be open in what the writer is saying in the text, much more understanding if we feel and connect it in our life. Expressing feelings while reading. I do love how professor Peha generalizes the different types of reading. I just wanted to know how he does it? Even though I really donââ¬â¢t know him I admire him so much, because of what he done in the world of reading. If a person really love to read he/she will appreciate the 6 activities in reading like a reader and reading like a writer.
Friday, September 27, 2019
What Is The Best Way To Impact On The Deer Population Essay
What Is The Best Way To Impact On The Deer Population - Essay Example Unlike most wild beasts, that attack human physically, the deer hurt human beings indirectly but poses great damage. The higher the population of the deer the higher the associated risks and thus it deems necessary to reduce their numbers. As a matter of fact, the hunters believe that wild animals should be kept in low numbers has proved to make more sense in the treatment of deer as compared to animal protectionist. The deer poses problems to the whole community. First, the deer attacks specific plant species to obtaining food. The recorded high population of deer has reduced some indigenous plants rendering some of the extinct. This follows the fact that the animal is selective despite it being observed to consume any green matter during starvation times. On depleting preferred species in the natural forests, the deer community poses a threat to farmers and landowners by attacking their crops. Secondly, the deer is associated with many road accidents with some areas being marked as hotspots. During mating, the buck chases the doe and can easily knock a fast moving vehicle resulting to a mere accident. As a matter of fact, deer accidents reported have been increasing leading to serious injuries or death of both the deer and the vehicle occupants. The worst of all is that, despite over 60% of road accidents being caused by deer, the insurance companies pose questions on the causality of the accident. It is to the knowledge of everyone, starting from the federal government, state government, wildlife protecting organizations, and the whole community that the large population of deer is posing a great threat to human life. Acting in the absence of the federal government, which has no mandate over wildlife, the state communities are now striving to reduce the number of deer in existence as well as reducing the damage. Several methods have been put forward towards achieving this goal. To start with, farmers have taken the forefront to guard their property against d estruction by the deer. Local officials, farmers, and other land-owners especially those living in suburbs have had their property surrounded by fences. Fences vary from the low sized ones used to guide vegetables to over ten-foot high propylene meshed fenced, not to forget electric fences that surround the defended areas leaving the outside ground uncovered. Although this works straight to the fence holder, it cannot be considered a national defense as natural forests as well as road accidents are not taken into consideration. Moreover, the fenced ground portions make the state look more of a prison than a community resident. Having in mind the general risks that the existence of large deer population pose to the community, the best decision would be to reduce their numbers. Arguments on the best method of reducing the population create a great debate, which needs a critical evaluation to obtain, the best and in this case the most effective in solving the problem. However, deer man agement is a societal issue that not only needs proper evaluation but also a considerably enough time to implement. As a matter of fact if an instant solution was to be implemented, then it would invite hunters and poachers who would indeed reverse the game rules to fit their desires. Firstly we have the scientific methods of reducing the population gradually which focus on two physiological processes; nutrition and reproduction. On nutrition, the deer is either poisoned or left to starve. Both of these processes are enhanced by use of certain chemicals.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biography - Essay Example Mozart was born in the year 1756 in Salzburg out of two Austrian parents. From an early age, his parents recognized that he had a passion for music and they encouraged him. For that reason, they bought some music lessons through which he would develop some skills that would be relevant in music. By the time he was five years he was already composing music, he had developed a significant liking for music to such an extent that he left school and looking for work in Vienna. With regards to his personal life, it is of the essence to note that Mozart married Constanze Webber. The most intriguing part when it comes to the life of Mozart is with regards to his musical compositions. One of the most tremendous milestones was realized when he came up with the composition for two operas, Mitridate and Lucio Cilla. At this age, he was far much ahead in comparison to other older composers that existed during his time. This was in the early 1770s when he was still a teenager. When coming up with his compositions, Mozart was significantly influenced by the European Artists. The major compositions, which Mozart embarked on, were classical compositions, which are the works that made him famous. Through this, he was able to develop pieces such as Don Giovanni in the year 1786. The reception, which Mozartââ¬â¢s work got, was quite commendable. This positive reception was exhibited during his time and even in the recent times after his demise. One of the first individuals to find Mozartââ¬â¢s work as being appealing was Ludwig Van Beethoven. He was Mozartââ¬â¢s Junior by 15 years and also happened to be greatly influenced by the work which he undertook. This is something that was realized from the time he was a teenager. The influence, which the European composers had on Mozart cannot go without mention. He was a person who was engaged in quite a lot of travel. The one thing which can be established in this case is the way he was able to include all the cultural aspects that he picked up in the course of his travels into significant pieces of composition. He also travelled to Vienna hoping to work with some of the older composers but by this time these individuals held Mozart so highly. These clearly show that the society back then held the works of Mozart so highly. There was also great documentation of Mozart and his various works. Sturm und Drang was one of the major pieces of work which highlighted the inception of the Romantic era. Another one of these great compositions was the Symphony 25. There are some notable compositions, which have been documented as being some of his greatest compositions. An example in this case was The Marriage of Figaro of the year 1786. The other one which is rather notable even up to the present time is Don Giovanni. It is of the essence to note that the legacy which was left behind by Mozart was not only with regards to his musical compositions. This is also one artist who was hardworking and actually studied har d in the course of his life. Chromatic harmony was another area of music which was explored by Mozart in the course of his work. At times, the composer also wanted to examine the various areas that came about in the area of music. At times, he would switch his focus between instrumental music and the operas, which also happened to be his major focus. The opera especially was regarded as
Evaluate the Strengths and Weakness of the Union and Confederacy Essay
Evaluate the Strengths and Weakness of the Union and Confederacy - Essay Example The war lasted from 1861 to May 1865 and was prompted by the attack of the union navy by confederacy at fort Sumter, South Carolina (Gallagher, 2001). The main goal of the war for the union which comprised 23 states was to maintain the union while the south comprising of 11 confederates was fighting for independence. The paper will discuss the causes of the civil war, the strengths and weaknesses of the union and the confederacy as well as how the north, south and west contributed to the outcome of the war. Kelly (2011) argues that the main cause of the war was the economic and social differences that existed between the north and the south. The north had many material resources and was industrialized while the south depended on agriculture especially cotton plantations. The north had many factories and industries and processed the cotton from the south. As a result of industrialization, the whites and the African Americans in the north interacted socially and the republicans advocat ed for free labor and democracy and this angered the south (Engle, 2001). Slavery was another issue that led to the war. The institution of slavery was viewed as degradation to the value of free of labor by the north. For the south, slavery was inevitable as it provided the much needed cheap labor in the cotton plantations. ... ugh and Muntone (2009), the election of Abraham Lincoln as the president of United States was the height of dissent by the south as he was a proponent of the black rights. Furthermore, the Republican Party was opposed to the extension of slavery to the west hence his election was seen as a threat to slavery by the south thus the secession. The south also felt its rights were being infringed. The union vowed to bring back the states which had seceded and the confederacy on the other hand, vowed to fight for its independence. The north had many advantages over the south at the beginning of the war. It had a population more than twice that of the confederacy. Gallagher (2001, p. 22) observes that the north had a population of 31, 500,000 people in 23 states while the south had a population of 9,100,000 people in 11 confederate states which included 3,500,000 slaves and 130,000 free black people. Since the slaves and the free blacks were opposed to slavery, they were unlikely to help in the fighting. The north thus had a pool of men where it could get replacements, reinforcements and people to engage in noncombat jobs in the industries. Moreover, it had the support of the Border States as well as the free black men from the confederate states. The north also had an advantage in terms of economic strength. According to Farabaugh and Munte (2009, p. 163), the north owned 80% of material resources, factories and industries. It also had four times cash on deposit in the banks than the south hence it could easily obtain the materials needed for the war. The north also had a railroad mileage of 22, 000 compared to 9,000 in the south. Moreover, the northern roads were modern and better maintained. It also had a navy and was in control of the seas thus blocking the ports would
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Innovation technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Innovation technology - Assignment Example This will be helpful in the strategic growth of the business. Evaluation and control is performed in several phases. Innovation phase deals with providing inputs in the software development that contributes in developing of fresh, novel and latest product in the market. After the innovation phase, the software is introduced in the market and is adopted by a small section of users to begin with. The number of adopters eventually increases with the increasing impact of the software in the market. In the laggards phase, the performance of the business software faces a huge drop because of reasons like better competitive products in the pharmaceutical market, need for novel features, which the software does not possess (McDonald, 2007). The first step in gap analysis is to identify the desired or the target performance levels. Target levels could be industry standards and benchmarks. This is followed by collecting the current performance data upon introduction of CRM software. These two sets of data are then plotted and reviewed to examine the gaps in expectations. The causes of gap can be further explored by using cause effect diagrams. Once there is a good idea of target and the current states, next actions can be thought of in order to bridge the gap and reach the desired objectives (Franklin, 2006). Gap analysis can be used to demonstrate gaps in the service quality of the software. This would entail representing the difference in the quality level of software expected by customers and the awareness and sensitivity of those expectations by the management. A gap would mean customer dissatisfaction with the CRM software. Gap analysis is important to increase the satisfaction of customers with the software quality. For the purpose of quality control, gap analysis should identify the customersââ¬â¢ expectations and experiences with the CRM software. Focus groups are organized and customers can be interviewed to understand these expectations from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Impacts of migration on labour market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Impacts of migration on labour market - Essay Example The best design depends on the research question as well as the orientation of the researcher. The UK National Statistics will provide the much needed secondary information through the UK Labour Forces Survey data. This method is most appropriate for collecting information about the impacts of migration in the UK labour markets. Only the secondary data is used in this study. The design is also suitable because it gives an in-depth description of the phenomena in their existing setting. This fits well when describing how migration has affected the labor market in terms of employment and other sectors of the economy. Descriptive survey is also preferred because it is economical in collecting data from over a large sample with high data turn over. The study have both qualitative and quantitative approaches since the research will need to survey the respondents in various variables such as ethnicity, nationality, country of origin and many others. This will be an appropriate variable in collecting and summarizing data that will be used in analyzing the impacts of migration in the UK labour market. This research strategy has been considered necessary because of its ability to view comprehensively and in detail the major questions raised during the LFS survey. Data sources The study will lie mainly on secondary data sources. The main data source that will be used in the analysis is the UK Labour Forces Survey (LFS). The United Kingdom Labour Forces Survey is a sample of households living at private addresses in the Unite Kingdom. The main objective of LFS is the provision of vital information regarding United Kingdom labour market that can be then utilized in developing, managing, evaluation, and reporting important facts about the labour market policies. Office of the National Statistics is responsible for conducting LFS. Apart from census, Labour Forces Survey is the only comprehensive sources of information about all aspects of the labour market. Since the first L abour Forces Survey that was conducted in 1992, the sample size has been maintained at about 60,000 households in the United Kingdom in each quarter. This sample size represents about 0.2% of the total UK population. While conducting the Labour Forces Survey, the respondents are asked questions regarding personal circumstances such as: ethnicity, country of birth, nationality, and year of arrival in the United Kingdom; and their labour market status during a certain period normally 1-4 weeks before the survey. The Labour Forces Survey is a rotating panel dataset. That is, respondents are interviewed for five consecutive quarters and then leave the sample. In every quarter, one fifth of the sample is interviewed for the first time, one for the second time, and so on. Individuals are asked about their wage in their first and fifth interview only (Dustman, Glitz & Frattini 2008, p.11). The LFS was preferred for this study because it allows for intertemporal comparison of data. In addit ion, the LFS comprises of population weights, which allows for production of tables which give population estimates. It is worth noting that, the construction of population weights does not consider the concept of country of birth or nationality. The researcher has utilized the LFS for the years 1994-2010. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Figure 1 shows employment rate in the UK between 1994 and 2010. The employment rate is also divided into four main categories (UK
Monday, September 23, 2019
Malden Mills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Malden Mills - Essay Example The organization faced most precarious conditions like bankruptcy and encountered considerable amount of destruction caused due to the onset of fire. The jobs of 3000 employees of the organization were at stake. But surprisingly the Aaron did not resolved to any means of employee termination rather he spent millions on the all 3000 employees and kept them on payroll for a period of three months. The result of such a step infused loyalty within the employees and the resultant production after the onset of work was much higher than the production before. This act of him prevented thousands of employees in losing their jobs and proved Aaron Feuersteinââ¬â¢s worth as a true leader. (Leung) He held the view of treating his employees as an asset and reflected his responsibility towards the society. He was able to think beyond the profitability and broadened his idea to deliver the best for the community by staying with the employees during such critical conditions. Aaron Feuerstein had the courage and conviction to reflect on the appropriate action and had set high values for the leaders of all the organizations to behave rationally and to implement decisions considering all the associated factors. The determination and the leadership skill as exhibited by Aaron Feuerstein is a heroic achievement. Malden mill used to operate in a 300 year old mill town. The mill went into bankruptcy in the year 1981. In order to prevent the mill from going into bankruptcy the organization could have taken some precautionary steps. The mill could have hired a budgetary advisor who could have limited the spending of the mill in comparison o the earnings. Budgetary advisor would also have provided with planning and ideas to save money by reducing unnecessary cost and other expenses. In order to pay back the debt to the creditors the mill could have sold some assets which are not in use in a great deal and this could
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Canterbury Tales Essay Example for Free
The Canterbury Tales Essay What do we learn about religion from studying the general prologue of The Canterbury Tales, With reference to two of the characters, the prioress and the Monk? Geoffrey Chaucer was born in 1340, his family were from London. Chaucer became a page in royal court and was educated with highly experience of people around him from the very rich to the ordinary working man helped him to write the Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales is a framework story. It is about a group of pilgrims who go on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. While at the Tabard Inn, on the night before the journey, Chaucer describes them, The Monk and the Prioress are two of the pilgrims travelling with Chaucer. Using irony, Chaser seems at first to be compliment them. This is when his character he realises he is pointing out their fault and the criticising the church. The prioress was a Nun who travelled with Chaucer to Canterbury. While in the Inn Chaucer describes her, saying, That of hie smylyng was ful simple and coy. Chaucer also writes, hir gretteste ooth was by saint Loy. Nuns are meant to be holy, they have committed there lives to God, they are meant to follow the commandments given to Moses, not even to swear a little bit is acceptable let alone to swear at all. Chaucer also writes, Ful;wel she song the survace divine, She was singing not to please God but to catch the eye of the other people in the church. Chaucer says that the prioress ate her meal with elegance, he said she had beautiful manners and that she was entertaining to watch, Mate wel y taught was she with alla, Amyable of port. Later on in the text Chaucer comments about her beauty on a number of occasions. Nuns have to take a vow of poverty and should not have any possessions. Clearly she possesses make-up and fine clothes. God should be the Centre of her life and she should only be doing things he wants her to do. Chaucer thinks that the prioress isnt acting and behaving as she should and that she should forget about the pilgrimage to Canterbury and start to learn once again about being a nun. The Monk was according to Chaucer a fine looking man, Fair for the mainstrve, This man was not just a monk but an outryere. In those days lots of irony was used and an outrider was a person who could go out of his monasteries to do work for the church. Chaucer also sats that this monk, lovede Venerye and Ful many a deyntee hors haddle he in stable. The monk had taken a vow of poverty just like the prioress, so this monk shouldent have any possessions. Chaucer also writes about his brydel which was Gynglen in a whistynge waynge wynd. This monk was also drawing attention to himself while he was meant to be out doing the work of the church; he was treating this work like a holiday. This monk was fashionable and enjoyed best quality food. A fat swan love he best of any roast. Swans were very expensive, so he must have eaten this while he was out doing the work of the church. He was caring for his freedom, not commitment while he should have been caring for the poor not indulging himself. Although Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales about 600 years ago, it is still valid today. The nun and the Monk speak for themselves, they say that human nature doesnt change and that some people will always be greedy and selficha dns some people will be nice and kind, this was Chaucers job, to show them up in his writings.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Personality traits Emotional Labor
Personality traits Emotional Labor Emotions are a natural part of an individuals makeup and their management is a routine task. Emotions are best judged in the workplace which is considered as the rational environment for individuals (A. Grandy, 2000). In past emotions were totally ignored as a study of behavior (Arvey, Renz, Watson, 1998; Putnam Mumby, 1993). Research findings have proved that management of workplace emotions are a good predictor of individual as well as organizational outcomes. But the gap lies how organization and personal characteristics are related to managing emotions. One of the terms used for managing fake emotions at job for a particular amount is termed as emotional labor (Hochschild, 1983). The focus of the present article is to find an exact relationship between individual characteristics (personality and the need for achievement) with emotional labor. Grandey (2000) has defined emotional labor as the process of regulating both feelings and expressions for organizational goals (p. 97). In lay man term it is basically defined as artificial or displayed emotions that employee may not privately feel (Ekman Friesen, 1975; Goffman, 1959; Hochschild, 1983; James 1989). Qualitative research shows that all employees find their true feelings do not always conform to their roles (Ashforth Toumiuk, 2000). As feelings do not erupt spontaneously or automatically employees modify their display of emotions either by deep acting or by surface acting (Ashforth Humphrey, 1993; Hochschild, 1979, 2003). Both deep acting and surface acting represent different intentions. When engaged in deep acting, an actor attempts to modify feelings to match the required display rules whereas in surface acting employees modify their displays without shaping inner feelings (Ashforth Humprey, 1993; Hochschild, 2003). Increased competition between service providers has forced organizations to give attention to quality of service, which is directly proportional to employee interaction with customers (Bowen Schneider, 1988). For example an air hostess has to greet with smile each and every passenger on board in order to provide quality customer service regardless of her bad mood, family problems, responsibilities etc. Research findings have proved certain antecedents of emotional labor (surface acting deep acting) which are Social Factors; Hochschild (1979) argued that individuals may learn to feel according to the situation cues. Secondly Occupational Factors; the display of positive emotions is required in many service occupations, including restaurant workers and flight attendants. Funeral directors in contrast are required to display negative emotions (i.e. sadness). Some job requires display of neutrality i.e. those of the judges (Rafaeli Sutton, 1987). Finally Organizational Factors; The service employees represent the organization to the public. Therefore organizations have vested interest being managed well by the service employee. Thus, organizations increasingly offer display rules for the employees. Several researches state that individuals regulate their emotions according to situations in which they are able to create emotion ((Freud, 1936/1961; Frijda, 1986). This regulation of emotions mainly results in job burnout, stress, dissatisfaction and other negative job outcomes as proposed by Hochschild (1983) and others. But these outcomes and emotion regulation are somewhat subjected to different personality traits which is not studied in past. The current study extends the research in two ways. First we examine one of the most critical variables i.e. personality dimensions to see how extraverted, openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness and neurotic (Costa McRae, 1992; Goldberg, 1992) individuals will regulate their emotions in a certain situation, whether they tend to behave as a deep actor or surface actor. Secondly we will see how need for achievement which is the need of an individual to accomplish significant task, will define persons display of emotions at job. Literature Review Understanding the concept of emotional labor is very important as it might affect the employees in certain ways which can either be useful or useless. As the research has already proven that the emotional labor excites pressures for the person to recognize with their service roles (Black E. Ashforth; Ronald H.humphery, 1993). Emotional labor is an invisible mask that the employees have to wear as the job requirement. But this display of emotions is totally dependant on the personality of the employees. Personality is defined as a mix of persons psychological as well as biological traits that makes him unique from others and persists over a certain period of time (Phares, 1991: 4). Each personality trait has its own depth and significance some of them are determined by birth and some are determined by situational factors ( Cattell, 1950). Emotional labor is basically related to the situational side of personality. Five broad dimensions of personality have been identified by analyzing, observing, seeking responses from thousands of people. These five factors are independent variables, and are studied with many other factors such as job performance, org commitment, job burnout, positive negative affectivity (Costa McCrae 1980), job stress, emotional intelligence, emotional expressions, self efficacy, self esteem and many more. Dimensions include; Neuroticism which is basically how much a person has control over his/her emotions? It can be high or low. People with low levels of neuroticism are confident, secure and calm which indicate emotional stability whereas high levels of neuroticism increase the probability of occurring negative emotions like stress, burnout, dissatisfaction etc. Persons with high levels of neuroticism are reactive and more easily troubled by stimuli in their environment. They are prone to moodiness. Persons having strong control over emotions on the other hand need strong stimuli to be aggravated (Howard Howard, 1995). Person with high neu roticism are not at all psychologically defected. A more proper term could be negative affectivity or nervousness (McCrae John, 1992). Extraversion, extraverts tend to be more physically and verbally active. They are gregarious, outgoing, assertive and high spirited. As they have excellent social skills they are best at jobs which require interaction. In contrast introverts may be described as quiet, reserved, shy and unsociable ( Costa McCrae, 1992: 49). Openness to experience is a measure of how much a person is creative and thinks out of the box. People with a high openness to experience have broad interests, are liberal, curious and are artistically sensitive whereas people with low openness to experience are predictable, conservative and prefer familiarity (Howard Howard, 1995). The agreeableness scale is linked to compassionate, self-sacrifice, trust, eager to cooperate, caring versus competitiveness, aggression, indifference, self-centeredness, unkindness and envy (Howard Howard, 1995). People who rate high on agreeableness are more compliant, rule abiding and interpersonally strong and are best fitted at jobs which require interaction for e.g. customer service. So their relation with emotions seems to be positive due to their social skills. Conscientiousness determines goal-directed actions and amount of control over desires. The more conscientious a person is the more responsive, well organized, dependable and persistent he is (Costa McCrae, 1992: 49), they have high standards and always strive hard to achieve goals. The personality traits which are not included in the above model may also serve as the basis for investigation of their relation with emotional labor for example in the present article we have taken; apart from the big five model a personality trait called the need for achievement. This is defined as the drive to excel, and strive to succeed. People who rate high on this need are more likely to set high challenging goals and as they are personally responsible so they are not good at managerial jobs instead entrepreneurial activities suit them the most. So regulation of emotions seems a difficult task for these people because they dont rely on others and does what they think is perfect. Figure: Theoretical framework conceptualizing personality traits with emotional labor. Deep Acting (felt expressions): Two of the dimensions of big five model, extraversion neuroticism are consistently linked with emotions and are expected to be positively related with felt expressions. Extraversion is related to positive affectivity which influences positive moods and more rewarding interpersonal relationships due to their strong social skills. In contrast neuroticism is totally opposite which is related to negative affectivity which influences negative moods and pessimistic approach. Costa McCrae (1980) found that extraversion relates to pleasant affect and neuroticism relates to unpleasant affect. Several studies support the relation between extraversion and neuroticism with emotions and different mood states. First, extraverts and neurotics have been found to react differently to a similar stimulus (Grey 1981), for example an extravert will behave positive when exposed to a stimuli due to positive affectivity whereas a neurotic person will develop negative behavi or when exposed to the similar stimuli due to its negative affectivity. Secondly extravert and neurotic persons have different affective experiences when encounter a certain situation. Now this theoretical link between emotional state and the two FFM personality dimensions predict that there might be a relation of these traits with deep acting (felt expressions). Hypothesis 1: Extraversion will be positively related to expressing felt emotions. Hypothesis 2: Neuroticism will be positively related to expressing felt emotions. Surface acting (fake emotions) Previous studies have found relation of displayed emotions with four of the personality dimensions; extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness (Tews Glomb 2003). Extraversion is said to have relation with display of positive fake emotions as they are inclined to positive emotions. Here extraverts are likely to display fake positive emotions for e.g. happiness because they do not need to, as they are by nature positive people and are very optimistic about things, situations, events etc. On the other hand extraverts are good self monitors and can adjust themselves according to the situation; due to their social skills they can easily display positive fake emotions. Similarly if an extravert is not feeling positive they will outwardly display positive emotions to others by suppressing their negative emotions. Hypothesis 3: Extraversion is positively related to expressing fake emotions. Now if we link neuroticism to expressing positive emotions we know that people who rate high on neuroticism experience negative emotions like stress, burnout, depression, anxiety and are more likely to display fake positive emotions in the workplace by suppressing their negative emotions. This is due to the reason that they want to compensate their inner negative feelings and want to be acceptable in front of others. Hypothesis 4: Neuroticism is positively related to expressing fake emotions. Conscientious individuals are very goal oriented, responsible and are high achievers. Once they are hired, conscientious people not only tend to perform well, but they also have higher levels of motivation to perform, lower levels of turnover, lower levels of absenteeism, and higher levels of safety performance at work. So we can say they are more likely to display positive fake emotions in order to fulfill their job responsibilities. Hypothesis 5: Conscientiousness is positively related to expressing fake emotions. But on the other hand it can be negatively related to expressing fake emotions because of the fact that a conscientious person is believed to possess qualities that reflect dependability (e.g., thorough, careful, organized, responsible) as well as volitional constructs such as need for achievement (Barrick Mount, 1991; Hough, 1992, Moon 2001). Non dependable persons make decisions on their own and they are more than happy to live by the desires of themselves not others. They have no difficulty expressing disagreement with others. They dont fear of those around them not accepting or approving of them. They are not at all sensitive to disapproval so they dont behave in a way others want them to (Olvera 2007). So we can say they are negatively related to expressing fake emotions. Hypothesis 6: Conscientiousness is negatively related to expressing fake emotions. Agreeableness is strongly related to expressing fake emotions as they are very good natured, helpful, and cooperative with others and for this they might put on a good face while making interactions with others. Secondly these individuals hardly retaliate when someone treat them unfairly so they might suppress their negative emotion at that time and express fake emotions to avoid conflict. Thirdly as these people are very nice, tolerant, sensitive, trustworthy, kind and warm they are liked by everyone and to maintain this impression they try to be as good with others as they can with the help of artificial display of emotions. Hypothesis 7: Agreeableness will be positively related to expressing fake positive Emotions. Openness to experience reflects persons curiousity, originality, intellect, creativity, and flexibility. McCrae Costa (1991) argued that these individuals have a very broader and deeper scope of awareness and they need to experience new things and ideas. They are not related to any kind of facial expression and any social interaction so no relationship is maintained between openness to experience individuals and emotional labor. Need for Achievement is the desire to do well at something. It is motivated by a want to achieve success, mastery, and fulfillment. People whose need for achievement is high know what they want and reject things which distract them from their goals. They do what needs to be done even when they dont want to so this means if they want to achieve something they can display positive fake emotions in order to excel. These people are highly emotionally stable, they have full control over their emotions and can regulate them where required. So whatever the situation may be they are likely to manage it and strive for success. Lastly they know and understand the principle of communication so they are very strong at communicating and articulating their thoughts in many ways and presenting them to others. And wherever social skills are strong means a no of relationships with others are involved which some way or the other requires an artificial display of emotions. Hypothesis 8: Need for achievement is positively related to expressing fake emotions.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Educate People On Pusher Syndrome
Educate People On Pusher Syndrome The brain is a very complex organ. Everything we do or think takes place in a very confined, small space. Any injury that occurs in the brain can affect the whole body. Pusher syndrome is a disorder following right or left brain damage. Pusher syndrome occurs when the patient pushes away from the nonhemiparetic side.2 Pusher syndrome is observed in about 10 percent of acute stroke patients that has hemiparesis.10 Typically, pusher syndrome occurs in strokes, but may also occur in trauma, tumors, or other kinds of brain damage.11 Pusher syndrome usually occurs when the posterolateral portion of the thalamus, that is located deep within the cerebral hemispheres beneath the cortex and is the relay center for sensory and motor mechanisms and the suprathalamic white matter is involved.1,12,13 The damage is caused by higher pressure, swelling, and other secondary pathologies.10 Pusher syndrome is usually caused by a hemorrhagic stroke rather than a cerebral infarction.10 A posterior thalam ic hemorrhage causes bigger lesions than thalamic infarctions, which frequently leads to pusher syndrome.7 Stroke Since pusher syndrome is usually the result of a stroke, it is important to know some basic facts about strokes. One of the most common causes of death in the United States is due to a stroke.14 The long term cause of disability is also due to a stroke.15 Strokes can cause an increased dependence for many survivors.16 A stroke is one of the most expensive and life changing syndromes keeping people from fully participating in their lives.17 Stroke occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to the brain and it causes sudden severe neurologic loss of function. Hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes are major risk factors for having a stroke.5 The age of people having strokes are starting to decrease.17 There are two different classifications of stroke, which are hemorrhage and ischemic strokes. Ischemic strokes are caused by thrombosis, embolism, or systemic hypoperfusion, while hemorrhage strokes are caused by intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage. A thrombotic stroke is caused when a disease causes a thrombus and reduces blood flow distally. An embolic stroke is caused when debris breaks off and travels elsewhere to block arterial access to a particular region of the brain. Intracerebral hemorrhage stroke is usually from small arteries bleeding directly into the brain. This bleeding causes a localized hematoma that spreads along white matter pathways. The accumulation of blood can occur within minutes or hours. The hematoma grows until the pressure increases to its limit or until the hemorrhage decompresses by emptying into the ventricular system or into the cerebrospinal fluid on the surface of the brain. Subarachnoid hemorrhage stroke is usually caused by a rupture of arteri al aneurysms that are located at the base of the brain. Subarachnoid hemorrhage strokes can be also caused by bleeding from vascular formations that lie near the pial surface of the brain. Ischemic cerebral infarctions are responsible for 80 percent of strokes and brain hemorrhage is responsible for 20 percent of strokes.18 Strokes can cause many neurological deficits. Those deficits include deficits in motor control, abnormal synergistic patterns of movement, muscle weakness, sensory deficits, and a loss of range of motion.14 People having symptoms of a stroke should have a MRI or CT scan within 24 hours of onset.19 Symptoms of stroke include: sudden numbness or weakness in the arm, leg, or face on one side of body, sudden confusion or trouble speaking, sudden trouble seeing, sudden difficulty with walking, dizziness, loss of balance, and sudden headaches.5 Characteristics of Pusher Syndrome Pusher syndrome is characterized by pushing toward the hemiparetic side. A patient with pusher syndrome strongly resists the vertical upright position. They align their longitudinal axis of their bodies with what they perceive as vertical, which is toward their hemiparetic side.3 A patient with pusher syndrome usually tilts their body 20 degrees to their hemiparetic side.4 Pushing varies in severity and increases with postural challenges. In sitting, the patient leans toward the weaker side. In standing, the patient has a high risk for falls because they are unbalanced and the hemiparetic lower extremity cannot support the weight of their body. The patient shows no fear of pushing to the weak side.5 These patients actually show fear of falling toward their nonparetic side and that is why they push toward the hemiplegic side.20 Normally, a patient with a stroke increases their weight bearing on their stronger side, so this syndrome is opposite of the expected tendencyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s.5 Pusher syndrome is more prominent when patients are upright rather than lying down.21 Patients with pusher syndrome has paresis of the contralesional extremities more frequently and more severe than patients without pusher syndrome13 These patients also have an unstable gait because they continuously fall to their paretic side. The inability to bear weight on the paretic lower extremity also causes gait disturbances. Part of the underlining mechanism of pusher syndrome is the mismatch between the visual vertical and tilted orientation of the body.14 Diagnosing Pusher Syndrome To diagnose pusher syndrome, the Standardized Scale of Contraversive Pushing (SCP) is used on the same day of the MRI acquisition. The SCP analyzes three different areas. The first area to be assessed is symmetry of spontaneous body posture. The next is the use of the nonparetic arm or leg to increase pushing force by abduction and extension of extremities. Last is the resistance to passive correction of posture. These tests are determined when the patient is sitting with feet on the ground and standing. For a patient to be diagnosed with pusher syndrome, all three analyzed areas have to be present and with a score of at least one with respect to their spontaneous postures and at least a score of one with respect to the use of the nonparetic arm and leg to increase pushing force by abduction and extension. Also the patient has to show a resistance to the correction of the posture.6 The SCP is a simple and fast test but it is not suitable when symptoms are slight and only show up in d ynamic activities like walking. Another way to diagnose pusher syndrome is a four-point scale that assesses the presence of pusher syndrome by examining different postures. If a patient does not have pusher syndrome they will receive a score of zero. If pusher syndrome is only present in standing, the patient receives a score of one. If pusher syndrome is also present in sitting the patient receives a score of two. If pusher syndrome is also present while lying down the patient receives a score of three.7 Treatment of Pusher Syndrome Physical therapy is a very important part of recovery for a patient with pusher syndrome. Patients with hemiplegia and pusher syndrome will be admitted to inpatient rehabilitation more frequently than patients with less severe symptoms.7 Pusher syndrome causes impairments on postural balance.8 One of the first goals of physical therapy should be to demonstrate and align posture.2 Visual cues may be helpful for patients to try to align their body axis to the earth vertical.14 The therapist can sit next to their less involved side or have the patient sit against a wall with their less involved side and tell the patient to lean toward the therapist or against the wall. To help with sitting posture, physical therapy can include sitting on a therapy ball to promote symmetry and sitting. While the patient is on the ball, the weaker lower extremity should cross over the stronger lower extremity. To help get the weak lower extremity out of flexion, which is often the position of the weaker l ower extremity; the patient can wear an air splint or a leg splint. The therapists can actually tap directly over the quadriceps muscle to promote extension. A modified plantigrade position is a great position to begin early standing. In this position, the therapists can focus on using the weaker lower extremity to work on unilateral support. The weaker upper extremity may also be in a position of flexion, so an air splint can be used to promote extension of that upper extremity. A patient can stand in a corner or doorway to promote symmetrical standing. The therapist should block the stronger extremities from moving into abduction and extension and pushing. The therapist should provide constant feedback about body orientation and have the patient practice correcting orientation and weight shifting.5 When a patient begins gait training, the therapist can lower the height of the assistive device so the patient has to bear weight on the uninvolved side.22 If a patient requires transfe rring, they should be transferred to their weaker side. Transferring this way is much more convenient since the patient is already pushing in that direction. Also, since pusher syndrome is the result of a stroke, the treatment of a patient with a stroke should also be discussed. The level of the patient with a stroke must be part of consideration when a patient begins therapy. There are many tests to measure the independence in activities of daily living. These tests include the Functional Independence Measurement (FIM), Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS), modified Rankin Scale (mRS), and the Barthel Index (BI).23 A therapist will examine the patient and make a decision on the level that the patient is on in order to see which direction to begin therapy. Another scale that needs to be evaluated for a patient with a stroke is the Brunnstrom stages of recovery. This scale rates the patient in the progression of the typical characteristics of stroke behaviors. This scale goes through seven stages of recovery. The stages begin with stage one as the patient is flaccid, stage two as the patient begins to develop spasticity, stage three as spasticity i s at its greatest, stage four and five as the spasticity decreases, stage six as spasticity is completely gone and stage seven as the patient is back to normal function. The therapist should also be aware of synergy patterns and help the patient to work out of these patterns.22 The stages of motor control and the stages of developmental posture are very important aspects of therapy for stroke patients. A therapist should be aware of these sequences and follow them in the treatment of a stroke patient.5 After a patient suffers a stroke, balance ability can be improved by physical therapy interventions. After a stroke, early impaired balance is strongly associated with future function and recovery.15 The Bobath concept of Neuromuscular Developmental Treatment (NDT) is one of the many tools that therapist can use to deal with individual deficits and opportunities for stroke survivors. NDT is especially useful for those patients with a good prognosis for recovery. Bobath explained that a patient suffering from hemiplegia should be active while the therapist assists them in moving by using key points of control and reflex inhibiting reflexes.9 The key points of control are head, shoulders, hips, or distal extremities. The shoulder and pelvic girdle is the most important points to influence postural alignment. A therapist would apply manual contact to the shoulder and pelvis to influence muscle tone distribution and distal movements. The distal key points are the elbows, hands, knees, an d feet. The distal key points affect the movement of the trunk. Once a patientsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ tone is manageable, the therapist superimposes normal movements and posture. When a therapist superimposes normal movement and posture, it is done within the context of a functional activity. NDT is a great way to inhibit abnormal postural reflex activity and movements and facilitate normal patterns. Normal motor patterns include head and trunk control, upper extremity support, and balance reaction. NDT is also a good approach to align posture.22 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is reported as being the most effective protocol for achieving the greatest increase in range of motion.24 PNF is also used to increase strength, flexibility, and range of motion. By increasing these things and integrating these gains, the patient can establish head and trunk control, iniate and maintain movements, control shifts in the center of gravity, and control their pelvis and trunk while the extremities move. PNF is unique diagonal patterns of movement. Most movements do not occur only in the cardinal plane but also occur as triplanar. PNF patterns simulate the demands incurred during functional movements.22 Another good approach to physical therapy is to strengthen the weak muscles. Tone is another issue that must be addressed in physical therapy in a patient with a stroke and pusher syndrome. Patients can either have low tone (flaccid) or high tone (spastic). Low tone can be corrected by using facilitory techniques, and high tone can be corrected by using inhibitory techniques.5 Some facilitory techniques include quick stretching, tapping, vibration, approximation, and weight bearing. Some inhibitory techniques include slow, rhythmic rotation, weight bearing, prolonged icing, and static stretch.22 Occupational and Speech Therapy Occupational therapy is also required to expand rehabilitation to address participation in work, family, and community life.17 Upper extremity weakness also needs to be strengthened by the occupational therapist to perform activities of daily living.25 Although speech therapy may not be needed to treat pusher syndrome patients specifically, the injuries that result in this condition will require speech therapy, such as stroke or brain injury. Speech therapy may be needed to address aphasia, global or expressive. Prognosis of Pusher Syndrome Even though progress of a patient with pusher syndrome is based on a patient by patient case, they usually have good results. With effective training, the potential for minimizing the impact of pusher syndrome is good. Motor learning strategies are also very effective in reducing the effects of pusher syndrome and enhancing recovery.5 The functional recovery process may be very slow and require a longer stay in the hospital but usually a patient with pusher syndrome makes a full recovery. Recovery is usually completed by six months after the stroke.7 Conclusion Pusher syndrome can be a very devastating symptom after a hemorrhagic stroke. Ten percent of acute stroke patients suffer from pusher syndrome. A patient with pusher syndrome can have greater challenges with function and mobility. They have difficulties with standing and sitting as they push to their hemiparetic side and resist correction of posture. The Standardized Scale of Contraversive pushing (SCP) and a four-point scale are two ways to diagnose a patient with pusher syndrome. The treatment of pusher syndrome is dependent on physical therapy. Initially, correcting posture is the main focus of therapy. Then balance, strengthening weak muscles, and correcting abnormal movements are the focus of therapy. Neuromuscular Developmental Treatment (NDT) and proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) are great tools that help with physical therapy. Patients with pusher syndrome may have a slower recovery and a longer hospital stay, but usually make a full recovery within six months.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Ensuring Truth Within Creative Nonfiction Essay -- Literary Analysis
The difference between creative nonfiction and fiction is unassuming: fiction is derived from the fabrications of an authorââ¬â¢s imagination, whereas creative nonfiction is contingent on facts. A novelist has the freedom to create scenes which never existed, whereas an author of creative nonfiction must convey a truthful story. However, the line between creative nonfiction and fiction, fact and falsehood, has become ever so thin as ââ¬Å"writers of memoir [have been] revealed to be frauds and fiction writers masquerade as memoirists in order to sell booksâ⬠(Bradley 203). Recent events have revealed authors such as James Frey and Tim Barrus to have combined elements of fiction and nonfiction within their creative nonfiction books (Buck 56), further blurring this line. Overlooked embellishments and whole fabrications were found to exist within their alleged creative nonfiction works ââ¬â stirring angst within the nonfiction community (Bradley 208). Allegations arose and investigations ensued, all revolving around the question: who is to blame? As a result, the entire creative nonfiction genre received negative publicity and harsh criticism (Bradley 203). For creative nonfiction to restore its legitimacy and veracity as a genre, authors, and not publishers, are to be held responsible for ensuring their creative nonfiction books are truthful. Creative nonfiction, often labeled the ââ¬Å"fourth genreâ⬠(Bradley 203), requires the depiction of factual events and happenings through past memories, with a literary touch. Books under this genre include memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies. However, memory is malleable and fades. Hence, authors are given leeway in this respect and to be ââ¬Å"truthfulâ⬠is defined as an author recollecting and portraying p... ...ate to. For authors to deceive readers knowingly through a creative nonfiction medium is to rob readers of the intrinsic connection and empathy felt towards the story. The story becomes significantly less powerful and not as personally important to the reader. It is then dismissed as fiction, an untrue fairy tale once lost in the nonfiction realm. Writers of creative nonfiction books must then write truthfully to ensure creative nonfiction books are truthful. This is the only practical approach for the creation of true creative nonfiction books. Fact-checking is too onerous a practice when applied to the book publishing industry and avoids the inherent issue at hand: deceitful authors. For the fiction itself created by these authors is not the issue, but the deception, the robbing of unsuspecting readers, which has created this entire mess in the first place.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi Robert Mondavi Seeing that I have already made millions upon millions in my moderately successful modeling career, I have decided to turn my attention to investing my money in stock, in particular, Robert Mondavi. 1998 was a hard year for Mondavi, an unforeseen shortage of their most popular wine (Woodbridge Chardonnay- 55% of their revenues) and stiff competition from several new imported brands forced net income down almost $8,000, and cut their earnings per share by 78%. For 1999, Mondavi was forced to take several actions to achieve their objectives. This included redoubling focus on the two largest-volume brands, appointing their Chief Financial Officer to Chief Operating Officer, doubling media expenditures to $7.3 million, taking a $6 million charge to write-off excess inventory and streamline their workforce, creating Brand Teams to improve accountability and planning, and adopt FIFO method of inventory accounting to improve predictability earnings and improve the measurement of inventory value. Mondavi has apparently shown great results from the restructuring, the concentration on the two largest-volume brands have accounted for 20% of the growth of all U.S. varietal wines. They reported record gains in their first quarter report of 2000. The bottom line of the annual report for 1999 shows a 14% increase in net income. But is the company safe to invest in? Stable growth throughout 1995-97 showed net income bolt to $38,125, up 310%. But 1997 showed the risks involved with investing in a company that so heavily relies on natural resources (grapes). Shortages in supplies dropped net income by almost $8,000; earnings per share dropped .53 from 2.43 to 1.90. After analyzing the financial statement, I was able to determine several interesting aspects: a .52 debt ratio shows appeal to lenders; a current ratio of 6.31 is very impressive. Seeing that inventory is so unstable and subject to many natural extraordinary events, the more important acid test shows Mondavi has a comfortable, but less impressive ratio of 1.54. I have found that the financial statement for Robert Mondavi is not to my liking. The strange fonts and subdues colors Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi Robert Mondavi Seeing that I have already made millions upon millions in my moderately successful modeling career, I have decided to turn my attention to investing my money in stock, in particular, Robert Mondavi. 1998 was a hard year for Mondavi, an unforeseen shortage of their most popular wine (Woodbridge Chardonnay- 55% of their revenues) and stiff competition from several new imported brands forced net income down almost $8,000, and cut their earnings per share by 78%. For 1999, Mondavi was forced to take several actions to achieve their objectives. This included redoubling focus on the two largest-volume brands, appointing their Chief Financial Officer to Chief Operating Officer, doubling media expenditures to $7.3 million, taking a $6 million charge to write-off excess inventory and streamline their workforce, creating Brand Teams to improve accountability and planning, and adopt FIFO method of inventory accounting to improve predictability earnings and improve the measurement of inventory value. Mondavi has apparently shown great results from the restructuring, the concentration on the two largest-volume brands have accounted for 20% of the growth of all U.S. varietal wines. They reported record gains in their first quarter report of 2000. The bottom line of the annual report for 1999 shows a 14% increase in net income. But is the company safe to invest in? Stable growth throughout 1995-97 showed net income bolt to $38,125, up 310%. But 1997 showed the risks involved with investing in a company that so heavily relies on natural resources (grapes). Shortages in supplies dropped net income by almost $8,000; earnings per share dropped .53 from 2.43 to 1.90. After analyzing the financial statement, I was able to determine several interesting aspects: a .52 debt ratio shows appeal to lenders; a current ratio of 6.31 is very impressive. Seeing that inventory is so unstable and subject to many natural extraordinary events, the more important acid test shows Mondavi has a comfortable, but less impressive ratio of 1.54. I have found that the financial statement for Robert Mondavi is not to my liking. The strange fonts and subdues colors
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Movie and the Society Essay
The pleasure of watching movies is considered vital in our society today. It gives us a temporary escape from reality and allows us to indulge in a world of thrills and chills within the persona of each character in the film that we watch. We also find ourselves contemplating on the identities of characters and somehow see a part of our life in theirs. Typical reaction of movie goers are ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠, ââ¬Å"boringâ⬠, ââ¬Å"excitingâ⬠and ââ¬Å"O. K. â⬠Peopleââ¬â¢s judgment is based on their feelings and how the film made them feel that way. Are they triggered with fear during the movie? Did they end up crying? Did they feel good at the end of the movie and leave the theater with a smile on their faces? This approach in analyzing a movie is not really bad, since feelings and sensual pleasures are part of humanistic approach and initial reaction. An audience tends to react based how they exactly feel right after theyââ¬â¢ve seen a film: how they indulge in fantasy on magical movies, how they drop off their seats during suspense and horror films, and how they feel the triumph of heroes and heroic figures on suspense and action films. Movies give us a two- to three-hour experience that we often lack in our daily lives. They also give us ideas and make us try to imagine what kind of life are we going to experience if we are in the shoes of the characters that we have watched. Movie Construction Movies are not only judged according to our feelings and emotions but also with ideas and assumptions. The plots and story give us a better vision and meaning of our own lives. Most people are not good evaluating, examining, and analyzing movies. Most people donââ¬â¢t bother to think much because they are after the experience of feeling different emotions or they just love the actors and actresses of the film. As a student who is in line with film studies, I think various bases should be used in analyzing movies. With this learning, we donââ¬â¢t only enjoy the film that we are watching but be more keen observers on the different aspects of movies that filmmakers tend to hide from us; how the film is made and what values are promoted (Kolker, 1999, p. 33). We often forget that films are not only artificial construction where people on screen are only projections from television and made out of cameras and videos. We should bear in mind that these films are results of thousand hours of writing scripts, directing, acting, shooting, editing, cutting, and splicing. Most filmmakers tries their best and makes them forget that its just a story by making sure that there is no equipments like cameras or microphones seen as a part of the filming context. They also work very hard to keep us from noticing how the film is pieced together from the footage taken in many different places, from many different camera positions, and over a much longer period of time than we experience in watching it. ââ¬Å"Because weââ¬â¢re used to thinking that seeing is believing, that pictures donââ¬â¢t lie, it is easy to feel as if what we are seeing is really happening. â⬠(Mast, 2008) Basic Terms in Movie Analysis Shots These are streams of images which are not interrupted by editing it is a continuity of scenes and where graphics are formed by series of still frames. In order to be able to think about a film, we have to resist the ââ¬Å"suspension of disbeliefâ⬠in order to pay attention to how the film is put together. Start by noticing when one shot ends and another begins. In film studies parlance, a ââ¬Å"shotâ⬠is any ââ¬Å"unbroken, unedited length of film. â⬠(Kolker, 1999, p. 33) In most films shots gives us interpretation regarding scenes and characters. We can see the emotions and predict future events base on shots provided in the film. Like the extreme long shots that gives us the overall scenario where the enemies and soldiers begins a battle. Most of the time shots are cut through editing so that it will appear as one to the viewer but in reality it is taken with series of shots to make up one particular scene. Once we have enough knowledge in analyzing the shots and editing in the movie we can also understand how the film starts to manipulate us and our feelings through the rest of watching the entire movie. Shorter shots gives us faster pacing of the film and transitions in the events of the characters. ââ¬Å"When we get used to fast-paced films like this, films with longer shots and fewer cuts can seem slow and difficult to watch. But, of course, such fast-paced films also make it harder to think! Films that constantly use close-up shots of the characters create a higher level of intensity and intimacy than do films which focus more on landscape, geography, and other aspects of context. â⬠(Mast, 2008) If a film always provides us shots of the characters it gives us the notion that these individuals are the most important element in the story and through the rest of the film, places and situations also gives valuable shot as it shapes the lives of the main character. Scenes and Sequences This usually takes place in a single time and place with the characters of the film having a conversation at a given time. There are times that two scenes are provided in the film alternately showing the viewers different scenarios which often combined or talks about the same topic. ââ¬Å"Sometimes a single scene may contain two lines of action, occurring in different spaces or even different times, that are related by means of crosscutting. Scene and sequence can usually be used interchangeably, though the latter term can also refer to a longer segment of film that does not obey the spatial and temporal unities of a single scene. For example, a montage sequence that shows in a few shots a process that occurs over a period of time. â⬠(Film Analysis Guide 2008) Story/Plot This term refers to the overall order of the film. It is consist of settings, time frame, events and the relations between them. Story on the other hand is more extensive sine it is more straightforward especially if the genre is drama where the story is manipulated by the plot to produce dramatic effects. Often times we tend to interpret easily a film based on the story without giving consideration to other factors in the film. We easily conclude that this film is made merely to frighten or to make us laugh or cry. Without noticing factors like the mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene This is the overall projection of the film on an audience perspective. All things are put in the scene which includes the setting, properties, wardrobe, lights, acting,etc. Things like this often manipulates the minds of the viewers as they tend to easily judge the character based on its appearance. This is also one strategy that a film critic may use in determining the role of each character. For example if the character wears red and the rest of the cast wears pink we can easily say that he is the lead character and the whole story will revolve around him. Props also gives us interpretation regarding future events once they are used as symbolism in the film. With the use of shots and camera angles we can easily predict a future event like a shot of knife then the lead character then the villain. The mise-en-scene is arranged in a way that the viewer can picture out totally what is happening in the film itself. Genres The type of films are recognized and analyzed based also on its genre. This gives the film certain distinctions in terms of ââ¬Å" narrative or stylistic conventions, or merely by their discursive organization in influential criticism. Genres are made necessary by high volume industrial production. â⬠(Film Analysis Guide 2008) Focus This is another element of film wherein ââ¬Å"the degree of light rays coming from any particular part of an object pass through the lens and re-converge at the same point on a frame of the film negative, creating sharp outlines and distinct textures that match the original object. This optical property of the cinema creates variations in depth of field through shallow focus, deep focus, and techniques such as racking focus. â⬠(Film Analysis Guide 2008) The sharpness of an image in a film gives the viewer an eye shot of the main subject. Through focus we can also interpret and analyze film since we are given enough exposure of the scenes and we feel the intense feeling of the characters using this technique. Rocking focus makes us feel the thrill during chase scenes between the killers and the main character. Editing After shooting the entire film, clips are gathered and series of shots are combined in a single filmstrip. Here the sequence of scenes are added with transitions and uses cuts to remove unnecessary scenes. Hard to achieve effects which cannot be provided by means of humanistic approach is enhanced and produced by editing to give film a more enticing effect. Magics and special effects are added to make films more appealing. Hence this also helps us to interpret and analyze movies sometimes if a film is easily cut without giving further ado to the audience it may result negatively on the end of the audience because it was edited but with bad quality. Sound and Light Effects In cinemas, sounds in films does not necessarily need to match the scenes or it needs to be continuous. ââ¬Å"Sound can also be used to reintroduce events from earlier in the story. â⬠(Film Analysis Guide 2008). It gives viewers interpretation of what that scene is for base on the type of songs that is played during a particular scene. Lights also gives us predicaments as to what is really happening on that particular scene. Like on love scenes lights are always darker and mostly turned off in many movies. While Enhanced light which almost blinds the viewers are provided if there are scenes of triumphs and enjoyment. Ideology and Interpretation of Films After the given terms and interpretation of film above, ââ¬Å"We have come to understand films as artificial constructions that are pieced together by filmmakers, we can more easily begin to ask questions about the ideological agenda of a film what values it promotes. Because films are cultural products shaped by the historical context of their making they can tell us much about the values and commitments of their makers and their audiences. An ideological analysis of a film that appeals to a viewer can also tell about a great deal on ones own conscious or unconscious values. (Mast, 2008) I believe that the real criteria in evaluating an interpreting a movie is by analyzing not only its components in the technical terms of movie analysis but how it appeals to our consciousness and sensitivity as an individual. Our Values and Social responsibility as impacted by the type of film that weââ¬â¢ve watched. So that later on we will drop comments like ââ¬Å"boringâ⬠and ââ¬Å"OKâ⬠and use more helpful words like how the film reinforces you as an individual and how it challenges an assumption regarding a particular topic. ââ¬Å"Instead of dismissing films because they are slow-paced or follow unfamiliar plots or include unusual characters, it may be more inspiring and personally transformative to ask what surprised you about these films and why. For these Studies in Cinema films, in short, it will be worthwhile to move beyond the question ââ¬Å"How did I feel? â⬠to the more difficult question: ââ¬Å"What do I think? â⬠(Mast, 2008) There are some films that makes viewer easily understand bodies of literature. Movies like Romeo and Juliet are arranged and scripted in a way that can be easily understood in literal and lay manââ¬â¢s term. Unlike the words used in the literary piece it is more innovated in terms of using appropriate words and drops off words that are hard to understand by viewers. Reference Film Analysis Guide (2008). Yale Film Studies Website. Retrieved January 15, 2008 from: http://classes. yale. edu/film-analysis/ Kolker, Robert (1999). Film, Form and Culture. McGraw Hill College, p. 33. Mast, Gerald J. Biesecker (2008). How to Watch Movies Intelligently. Retrieved January 15, 2008 from: http://www. bluffton. edu/~mastg/Watchingmovies. htm
Monday, September 16, 2019
Hymer International Operations Of National Firms Economics Essay
This study has discussed different theoretical model of FDI that takes topographic point. These theories briefly explicate why houses go to problem when set uping or geting abroad. Theories that use on this study are Hymer ââ¬Ës parts, merchandise life-cycle theory, caves theory, internalization theory, the eclectic paradigm, strategic motives of foreign direct investing and investing way development ( IDP ) theory. This study besides evaluates Honda automotive as an illustration on how they survive and compete in the competitory international markets nowadays with utilizing FDI theoretical accounts, statistics and theories. Based on these analyses, I feel that FDI takes an of import function to both foreign and host states and besides impact steadfast behavior or effects on host economic systems.IntroductionThis study will discourse Foreign Direct Investment theories and measure the FDI of a taking participant industry that chosen, Toyota, Japan. Foreign direct investing ( FDI ) is the name given to treat where a house from a state provides capital to an bing or newly-created house in another state ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . For illustration, a foreign house may make up one's mind to set-up production in the UK and by so making will prosecuting in the procedure known as FDI. Firms turn uping production in more than one state are frequently referred to as transnational endeavors ( MNEs ) . Tormenting ( 1981 ) notes there are two chief jobs with sing FDI. First, FDI is more than merely the transportation of capital, since merely as significantly it involves the transportation of engineering, direction and organisational accomplishments. Second, the resources are transferred within the house instead than between two independent parties in the market topographic point, as is the instance with capital ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . These factors give FDI own a alone cardinal theories and frequently cited as Hymer ( 1960 ) international operations of national houses ; Vernon à ¢â¬Ës ( 1966 ) merchandise life-cycle theory ; Cave ââ¬Ës ( 1971 ) horizontal and perpendicular theories ; Buckley and Casson ( 1976 ) Internalization theory ; Dunning ( 1977 ) eclectic theory ; Graham ( 1978 ) strategic behaviour of houses and John Dunning ( 1981 ) investing development way ( IDP ) theory. This study will get down by analyzing the Hymer ( 1960 ) theory. ( Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, theory, Japan FDI, Honda )Literature Review1.1 Hymer ( 1960 ) international operations of national housesHymer ââ¬Ës ( 1960 ) , who saw defects in the prevailing position that direct investings and portfolio were synonymous with one another. Hymer noted that direct investing was chiefly performed by houses in fabrication, whereas there was a predomination of fiscal administrations involved in portfolio investing ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . Hymer was besides explained why direct investings across assorted states ( Kogut, 1998 # 2 ) . Hymer ( 1960 ) expressed his dissatisfaction with the theory of indirect ( or portfolio ) capital transportations to explicate the foreign value-added activities of houses ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . In peculiar, he identified three grounds for his discontent. The first was that one time uncertainness and hazard, the cost of geting information and volatile exchange rates and doing minutess were incorporated into classi cal portfolio theory, many anticipations, for illustration, with regard to the cross-border motions of money capital in response to involvement rate alterations, became nullified. This was because such market imperfectnesss modified the behavioral parametric quantities impacting public presentation of houses and the behavior and, in peculiar, scheme in serving foreign markets ( Tormenting, 2008 # 3 ) . Second, Hymer stated that FDI involved the transportation of a bundle of resource ( i.e engineering, entrepreneurship, direction accomplishments, and so on ) , and non merely finance capital which portfolio theories such as Iversen ( 1935 ) had sought to explicate. The 3rd and possibly most cardinal feature of FDI was that it involved no alteration in the ownership of resources or rights transferred, whereas indirect investing, which was transacted through the market, did ask such a alteration. In effects, the organizational mode of both the dealing of the resources, for illustration, intermediate merchandises, and the value-added activities linked by these minutess was different. Furthermore, Hymer ââ¬Ës theory of FDI draws its influence from Bain ââ¬Ës ( 1956 ) barriers to entry theoretical account of industrial economic sciences ( Teece, 1985 ) . Hymer Begins by observing that there are barriers to entry for a house desiring to set-up production abroad. These are in the signifier of uncertainness, hazard, and host-country patriotism ( Kogut, 1998 # 2 ) . Uncertainty gives rise to costs in get the better ofing informational disadvantages associated with strangeness with local imposts. Each state has its ain linguistic communications, legal system, economic system and authorities, which place houses from exterior of the state at a disadvantage compared to houses that are of course resident to the state. The 2nd barrier is chauvinistic favoritism by host states, which may happen by the authorities with a protectionist docket, or by consumers of the host st ate who prefer to buy goods from ain national houses for grounds of loyal or trueness inclinations. The concluding barrier manifests itself as an exchange rate hazard ( Kogut, 1998 # 2 ) . As the house has to pay a dividend to its stockholders in the place state it has to repatriate the net incomes back to its ain currency. Given these barriers to international productions, why do houses prosecute in foreign direct investing? Harmonizing to Hymer there are two grounds, whether of which could use, and both of which are expected to increase its net incomes ( Kogut, 1998 # 2 ) . First, the house removes competition from within the industry, by taking-over or by unifying with houses in other states. Second, the house has advantages over other houses runing in a foreign state. Examples of the latter are the ability of the house to get factors of production at a lower cost, the usage of better distributional installations, the ownership of cognition non known to its challengers or a differentiated merchandise that is now known in the other state. Both grounds stress the importance of ââ¬Ëmarket imperfectnesss ââ¬Ë ( Dunning and Rugman, 1985 ) , and underlying these the investor has direct control of the investing. Overall, these grounds are non sufficient for a house to prosecute in direct foreign investing, as what is necessary is that it must come in the foreign market in order to to the full allow the net incomes, for illustration, a house could licence its merchandise to a house in the foreign state, so that it need non straight put in the market. However, there are jobs with licencing the merchandise. These include the failure to make an understanding with the licensing house over the degrees of end product or monetary values, or the costs involved in the monitoring an understanding made between the houses.1.2 Product Life-Cycle TheoryVernon ( 1966 ) , argued that ââ¬Å" the determination to turn up production is non made by standard factor-cost or labour-cost analysis, but by a more complicated procedure â⬠( Kogut, 1998 # 2, p.29 ) . The merchandise rhythm theoretical account was introduced in the 1960s to explicate market-seeking production by houses of a peculiar ownership or na tionality ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . On the other manus, the merchandise rhythm was the first dynamic reading of the determiners of, and relationship between, international trade and foreign production ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . It besides introduced some fresh hypotheses sing demand stimulations, engineering leads and slowdowns, and information and communicating costs, which have later proved utile tools in the survey of foreign production and exchange ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Harmonizing to Vernon, a merchandise has a life rhythm that has three chief phases. These phases are of import as they have deductions for the international location of a merchandise as follows. Phase One: Merchandise development procedure. In other words, the nature of the merchandise that the house is doing is non standardised ( Kogut, 1998 # 2 ) . Phase Two: Maturing merchandise. This means that the demand for the merchandise to be situated near to its market diminutions, which allows for economic systems of graduated table. These impact on the locational determination of the house, particularly as the demand for the merchandise is likely to turn in other states, and the house will hold to make up one's mind whether it is deserving puting up production abroad. Furthermore, this could even intend that the place state experiences exports back to it from the foreign works. Phase Three: Standardized merchandise. This is an extension to the maturating merchandise phase, where the standardization of the merchandise has reached its ââ¬Ëzenith ââ¬Ë , and a concluding model of the merchandise has been found ( Kogut, 1998 # 2 ) .1.3 Caves TheoryCaves ( 1971 ) , expanded upon Hymer ââ¬Ës theory of direct investing, and placed it steadfastly in the context of industrial administration theory ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . The importance of Caves work is that this theory will associate Hymer ââ¬Ës theory of international production to the so current theories of industrial administration on horizontal and perpendicular integrating. Caves identify between houses that engage in horizontal FDI and those that undertake perpendicular FDI ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . Horizontal FDI takes topographic point when a house enters into its ain merchandise market within a foreign state, whereas perpendicular FDI happens when a house enters into the merchandise market at a diffe rent phase of production ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) .1.4 Internalisation TheoryCoase ( 1937 ) , examines the function that dealing costs play in the formation of administrations known as internalization theory ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . In brief, Coase was concerned with why houses exist and why non all minutess in a n economic system occur in the market. Coase besides answered this in footings of the minutess costs involved in utilizing the market, where this is the cost of seeking and finding the market monetary value, or, one time the monetary value is found, the cost of dialogue, subscribing and enforcement of contracts between the parties involved in the dealing. The procedure of internalization is developed to explicate international production and FDI, and one of the taking advocates is Buckley and Casson ( 1976 ) . They present the MNE as basically an extension of the multi-plant house ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . Bucley and Casson note that the operations of house, particularly big houses, take the signifier non merely of bring forthing services and goods, but activities such as selling, preparation, development and research, direction techniques and engagement with fiscal markets. These activities are mutualist and are connected by ââ¬Ëintermediate merchandises ââ¬Ë , taking the signifier of either cognition or stuff merchandises, and expertness. A cardinal intermediate merchandise in the internalization theory of FDI is knowledge. One ground is that cognition takes a considerable period of clip to bring forth, for illustration through development and research, but is extremely hazardous, so that hereafters markets do non be. Sellers of markets may be unwilling to unwrap information, which has unsure value to the purchaser, doing market fail. Further, Sellerss and purchasers of cognition can frequently keep a grade of market power, which leads to a ââ¬Ëbilateral concentration of power ââ¬Ë ( Williamson, 1979 ) , and unsure results ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . These jobs indicate the terrible troubles in licensing and undertaking where information is important. In respects to internationalization, the public good belongings of cognition agencies it is easy transmitted within the house, irrespective of whether it is inside or across national boundaries. This creates internal markets across national boundaries, and as Buckley and Casson province, as houses search for and work cognition to their maximal potency they do so in legion locations, with this taking topographic point on an international graduated table, taking to a ââ¬Å" web of workss on a global footing â⬠( Jones, 2006 # 1, p.45 ) . The internalization theories of FDI played an of import function in progressing and developing the theory of FDI in the 1970s and have remained popular since that clip ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) .1.5 The Eclectic Paradigm( Please refer to postpone 2.1 and 2.2 in reading this subdivision ) Reflecting upon the history of the theory of FDI, Dunning ( 1977 ) noted that it was really much couched in footings of either the structural market failure hypothesis of Hymer and Caves or the internalization attack of Buckley and Casson ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Tormenting provided an eclectic response to these by conveying the viing theories together to organize a individual theory, or paradigm as it is more frequently referred. The basic premiss of Dunning ââ¬Ës paradigm is that it links together Hymer ââ¬Ës ownership advantages with the internalization school, and at the same clip adds a locational dimension to the theory, which at the clip had non been to the full explored ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . Further, Dunning does pull off to present some new considerations, such as the impact that different state and industry features have on each of the ownership, locational and internalization advantages of FD ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . The eclectic paradigm of FDI provinces that a house will straight put in a foreign state merely if it fulfils three conditions. First, the house must possess an ownership-specific plus, which gives it an advantage over other houses and which are sole to the house. Second, it must internalize these assets within the house instead than through catching or licensing. Third, there must be an advantage in setting-up production in a peculiar foreign state instead than trusting on exports ( Blomstrom, 2000 # 8 ) . Different types of ownership ( O ) , locational ( L ) and internalization ( I ) factors are given in Table 1 ( jointly known as OLI ) ( Jones, 2006 # 1 ) . Internalization advantages are the ways that a house maximises the additions from their ownership advantages to avoid or get the better of market imperfectnesss ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Internalisation-specific advantages consequences in the procedure of production going internal to the house. Reasons for internalization include the turning away of dealing costs, the protection of the good, market and finance, turning away of duties and the ability to capture economic systems of graduated table from production ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . Furthermore, non all of the OLI conditions for FDI will be equally dispersed across states, and hence each status will be determined by the factors that are specific to single states ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Linkss between the OLI advantages and the country-specific features are summarised in Table 2. For illustration, the ownership-specific advantage of house size is likely to be influenced by market size in the house ââ¬Ës place state ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . This is because the larger the market is, the more likely will a house be able to derive ownership-specific advantages in the signifier of economic systems of graduated table. In footings of location-specific factors, labor costs will change across developed and developing states, while conveyance costs are determined by the distance between the host and place states. Finally, country-specific factors are likely to impact the grade to which houses internalise their advantages.1.6 Strategic Motivations of Foreign Direct Invest mentDespite the progresss made by the eclectic attack to FDI, the theory has been criticised for disregarding another facet of FDI theory. Knickerbocker ( 1973 ) , and so advanced by Graham ( 1978, 1998 ) . The distinguished characteristic of the strategic attack to FDI is that is believes that an initial influx of FDI into a state will bring forth a reaction signifier the local manufacturers in that state, so that FDI is a dynamic procedure. The procedure from the domestic manufacturers can either be aggressive or defensive in nature. An aggressive response would be a monetary value war or entry into the foreign house ââ¬Ës place market while a defensive response would be an acquisition or amalgamation of other domestic manufacturers to reenforce market power ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) .1.7 Investment Development Path TheoryJohn Dunning ââ¬Ës ââ¬Ëinvestment development way ( IDP ) ââ¬Ë theory ( 1981 ) and its latest version ( Tormenting an Narula 1994 ) are implicitly built on the impression that the planetary economic system is needfully hierarchal in footings of the assorted phases of economic development in which its diverse component states are situated. The IDP basically traces out the net cross-border flows of industrial cognition, the flows that are internalised in foreign direct investing ( FDI ) and that restructure and upgrade the planetary economic system, although there is besides the non-equity type of cognition transportation such as licensing, turn-key operations, and the similar. In this manner, the IDP can therefore be position as a cross-border larning curve exhibited by a state that successfully move up the phases of development by geting industrial cognition from its more advanced ââ¬Ëneighbours ââ¬Ë . A move from the ââ¬ËU-shaped ââ¬Ë ( i.e negative NOI ) part to the ââ¬Ëwiggle ââ¬Ë subdivision of the IDP indicates an ââ¬Ëequilibration in cognition airing ââ¬Ë ( Dunning, 1996 # 5, p.143 ) and that is, a narr owing of the industrial engineering spread between the advanced and the catching-up states. Therefore, IDP curve conceptualised by Dunning is an idealized form based on free-market exchanged of cognition among states ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) .Japan Automotive Industry2.1 Components-intensive assembly-based fabrication and FDI( first, trade-conflict-skirting, but subsequently rationalizing type )Cars and auto-parts had long been targeted by the Nipponese authorities as one of the most promising industries in which both higher technological advancement and productiveness were possible and whose merchandises were extremely income elastic. In add-on to cars, another components-intensive, assembly-based industry that successfully emerged in Japan in the 1970s was consumer electronics ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Both cars and consumer electronics came to capitalize really adroitly on Japan ââ¬Ës double industrial construction in which legion little and moderate-sized endeavor coexisted alongs ide a limited figure of large-scale houses ; the former specialised at the comparatively labor-intensive terminal, while the latter operated at the comparatively capital-intensive, scale-based terminal of vertically incorporate fabrication ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . Furthermore, it was besides in Japan ââ¬Ës car industry ( at Toyota Motor Co. , to be exact ) that a new fabrication paradigm, ââ¬Ëlean ââ¬Ë or ââ¬Ëflexible ââ¬Ë production, originated as a superior option to ââ¬ËFordist ââ¬Ë mass production ( Womack, Jones and Roos, 1990 ) . This technological advancement came to be reflected in lifting engineering exports in the conveyance equipment ( largely, car ) industry. But the really success of constructing up the efficient, large-scale ( hence exploitative of scale/scope economic systems ) hierarchies of assembly operations in extremely differentiated cars and electronics goods, along with increased R & A ; D and technological accretion ( which is reflected in increasing engineering exports ) , resulted in Japan ââ¬Ës export thrust and spread outing trade excess. These state of affairss in bend rapidly led to merchandise issues and the crisp grasp of the hankering ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . To besiege protectionism, Nipponese manufacturers of cars and electronics goods began to replace their exports with local assembly operations in the Western markets, chiefly in North America and Europe. Meanwhile, they besides started to bring forth reasonably standardised ( Internet Explorer. Relatively low value added ) parts and constituents, or those that can be cost-effectively produced, locally, both in low-wage developing states, particularly in Asia, and in high-wage Western countries- in the latter, with the installing of labour-cost-reducing and labour-quality-augmenting mechanization equipment largely shipped from Japan. Therefore, a web of Nipponese abroad ventures began to ââ¬Ëstraddle ââ¬Ë the advanced host states and the developing host states at the same clip ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . Recently, these assembly-based FDIs are traveling beyond the trade-conflict-skirting stage to make a new stage of rationalised cross-border production and selling. More and more constituents are produced at supplied place to the abroad fabrication outstations. Besides, low-end merchandises ( theoretical accounts ) are assigned to production and selling in the developing host states, particularly in Asia ; some are imported back into Japan. Therefore, we can spot a more refined or more aggressively delineated and specialised signifier of trade within an industry ( i.e intra industry ) or more suitably within a house ( i.e intra- house trade ) and within a production procedure ( i.e inter-process trade ) , a new signifier of trade made possible by rationalisation-seeking type of FDI ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) .2.2 Toyota( Please refer to appendix 1 & A ; 2 in reading this subdivision ) The Nipponese market is the most amalgamate of all three markets. Toyota, is a multinational Nipponese international auto maker where headquartered in Aichi, Japan ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . Harmonizing to appendix 1, in 2011, Toyota was the 5th biggest multinational companies with foreign sale as 60.8 per centum of entire. Besides, it has 38 % of its 326,000 workers abroad ( Economist, 2012 # 7 ) . In 2009, Toyota entirely has 36.88 per centum of the rider auto market, 18.29 per centum of the truck market and 79.72 per centum of the coach market ( M.Rugman, 2012 # 6 ) . Excluding Japan, Toyota is the market leader in two of the six largest states in Asia Pacific which are Malaysia and Thailand ( M.Rugman, 2012 # 6 ) . Furthermore, in 2009, two regional markets accounted for 78 per centum of Toyota ââ¬Ës gross Asia ( with Japan at 48.3 per centum of grosss ) and North America ( at 29.70 per centum of grosss ) ; Europe was merely at 14.1 per centum of grosss and remainder of the unive rse 7.9 per centum, and therefore, it is a bi-region-focused company. Harmonizing to appendix 2, In term of units sold, the geographic distribution is similar where Asia and Oceania history for 14 per centum, North America 32 per centum and Europe 14 per centum. Therefore, in footings of gross and units sold, Toyota is a bi-regional company ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Over 10 old ages, Toyota ââ¬Ës intra-regional per centum of gross revenues has decreased from 57.1 per centum to 46.2 per centum. One major ground for this is the Nipponese market itself, where gross revenues decreased for 48.4 per centum of entire grosss in 1993 to 38.3 per centum in 2002. As comparing, North American, European, and non-triad gross revenues have steadily increased in importance. Toyota manufactures locally over two tierces of the auto sells in United States. Local reactivity is of import for Toyota. Toyota introduced its luxury theoretical accounts to suit the wealthier and aging North American babe boomers in the 1990s. Today, the company is presenting autos to aim the immature American client, the demographic reverberation of the babe boomers. Since 60 per centum of US auto purchasers remain loyal to the trade name of first auto, it is therefore imperative to serve this immature market ( M.Rugman, 2012 # 6 ) . Furthermore, American consumers, have been antiphonal to the company ââ¬Ës repute for lower monetary value and quality at which Toyota ââ¬Ës autos are sold ( M.Rugman, 2012 # 6 ) . Besides, the resale value is besides higher for Toyota autos. One major advantage for Toyota is that is has some of the best fabrication installations in the universe, and it combined this with first-class relationships with its providers. Until late, Toyota was one of the most efficient companies at outsourcing production to providers with whom it enjoys amicable long-run, sometimes keiretsu-style, relationship ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . If the car industry is to go more like the electronics industry, vehicle trade name proprietor ( VBOs ) , such as GM, and VW, will be the equivalent of original equipment makers ( OEMs ) in the electronics industry, such as Nokia, and will concentrate on designing, technology, and selling vehicles to be sold under their trade name while others take attention of fabrica tion ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Toyota is likely farther along this outsourcing path than other triad car shapers. Overall, although Toyota has much intra-regional trade and FDI, this does non intend that trade or FDI between them has declined ( M.Rugman, 2012 # 6 ) . As discussed, all of them have invested big sums of money in each other. For illustration, in 2008, the EU state has $ 1,622.911 billion of FDI in the United States and $ 86.915 billion in Japan. The United States imports $ 377 billion from the EU and $ 143.4 billion from Japan. So they are closely linked in footings of both trade and FDI ( M.Rugman, 2012 # 6 ) .3. DecisionsOverall, this study has reviewed the theoretical literature on foreign direct investing and Honda automotive in the FDI international markets. Since Hymer, there have been efforts to turn to a figure of issues, such as why FDI occurs and where it locates. This study has besides take on board developments in Dunning ââ¬Ës eclectic paradigm of FDI, which non merely encompasses ownership and internalization advantages of transnational endeavor, but the function t hat location dramas in a house ââ¬Ës determination to put abroad. Since the clip of the eclectic paradigm, other theories have emerged that have stressed the importance of the function of scheme in FDI in the face of ââ¬Ëglobalisation ââ¬Ë and a corresponding growing in competition between houses. In this, the function of the traditional barriers to entry across states, such as the differences in the legal, economic environments and lingual, have become less of import, and FDI is now be viewed as competition between a few houses on an international phase ( Dunning, 1996 # 5 ) . Tormenting ââ¬Ës IDP paradigm provides a challenging model to analyze the Nipponese industry experience, because the instance of Japan seems so ââ¬Ëdeviant ââ¬Ë from the ââ¬Ënorm ââ¬Ë set Forth in the macro-IDP form. The Asiatic NIEs and the new NIEs ( ASEAN-4 ) and now ââ¬Ënew ââ¬Ë new NIEs ( China, Vietnam and India ) have moulded their developmental schemes along the line of M NE- facilitated development in order to ââ¬Ëswing up ââ¬Ë . Indeed, Japan automotive seems to hold been a function theoretical account for other East and South East Asiatic states to fit in their thrust to economic modernization. In add-on, to the high degree of international concern conducted across the three, companies in the three are invariably looking for new thoughts from other parts that will do them more competitory. In the United States, for illustration, the caput of the Federal Reserve System has expressed the belief that US antimonopoly patterns are out of day of the month and that rivals should be allowed to get and unify with each other in order to protect themselves from universe competition ( Dunning, 2008 # 3 ) . This thought has long been popular in Japan where Keiretsus, or concern groups, which consist of a host of companies that are linked together through ownership and/or joint ventures, dominate the local environment and are able to utilize their combined connexions and wealth to rule universe markets.( 2000 words )Table 1The Three Conditions of the Eclectic Theory Ownership-specific advantages ( internal to endeavors of one nationality ) Size of house Technology and trade Markss Management and organizational systems Entree to save capacity Economies of joint supply Greater entree to markets and cognition International chances such as diversifying hazard Location-specific advantage ( finding the location of production ) Distribution of inputs and markets Cost of labor, conveyance and stuffs costs between states Government intercession and policies Commercial and legal substructure Language, civilization and imposts ( ie psychic distance ) Internalisation-specific advantages ( get the better ofing market imperfectnesss ) Decrease in hunt, dialogue and monitoring costs Avoidance of belongings right enforcement costs Engage in monetary value favoritism Protection of merchandise Avoidance of duties Beginning: Dunning ( 1981 )Table 2Features of Countries and OLI-specific Advantages Owbnership-specific advantages State features Size of houseLarge marketsBroad attitudes to amalgamationsTechnology and trade MarkssGovernment support of inventionSkilled work forceManagement and organizational systemsSupply of trained directors.Educational installationsMerchandise distinctionHigh income statesDegrees of advertisement and sellingLocation-specific advantagesState featuresCostss of labor and stuffsDeveloped or developing stateConveyance costs between statesDistance between statesGovernment intercession and policiesAttitudes of authorities to FDIEconomies of graduated tableSize of marketsPsychic distanceSimilarities of states ââ¬Ë linguistic communications and civilizations.Internalisation-specific advantagesState featuresSearching negociating monitoring costs.Greater degrees of instruction and larger markets make cognition type ownership-specific advantages more likely to happen.Avoid costs of implementing belongings rights. Protection of merchandises. Beginning: Dunning ( 1981 )Appendix 1Degree centigrades: UsersuserDesktop20120714_woc582_5.png
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