Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Executions be replaced by life without parole Essay

In criminal law, life sentence or life without parole means putting to jail somebody for the rest of his/her life for the crimes committed whereas death sentence means executing those criminals who are found guilty of committing some very serious crimes like murder, attempted coup or raping. Myself I am not an advocate of capital sentence but I support life sentence. Life without parole is also known as determinate life sentence. It means being sentenced to life imprisonment without any possibility of being released in future. American government spends a lot of money by executing criminals than it spends in giving life sentence. For this reason and others I think executions in America should be replaced by life without parole. Execution in Texas is not something new. In 1980 there were two men who were alleged to have killed a clerk somewhere, both of them fired shots at the clerk but it is not clear who exactly killed the clerk though both of them admitted to have fired at the clerk. To the corridors of justice it did not matter whether it was one of them or both who killed so long as they agreed to have fired and killed the clerk. One of these men was called Mr. Nicholas he was twenty years old when he was arrested but was executed when he was forty five years old. In this case, I don’t think justice was done. This is a good example of many cases where justice is not allowed to take its course. The state should have tried to establish who between the two killed the clerk. In a case like this one a person who is innocent can be killed and he is not given a chance to argue his case. Therefore on this basis I condemn execution of prisoners instead, they should be given life sentence. This is the only practical thing and reasonable method whereby the offenders can be given time to reassess themselves. Again they continue living though they are not necessarily free. About half of the total criminals who are executed in America come from Texas. It has the highest number of executions in America. It contravenes one of the Ten Commandments that Moses was given by God In the past, capital sentence was highly valued but of late it is not. In fact many states in USA have abolished it. In the past decades the argument was that capital sentence deters crime, it was a religious conviction or what is called the Law of Moses an ‘eye for an eye’ or ‘tooth for a tooth’. It was also thought that the states were spending huge sums of money feeding, clothing and providing healthcare for murderers, rapists and other dangerous criminals. This seemed to be silly and outrageous but now the argument has changed. In fact the former supporters of capital sentence are now singing a different tune. Today, the argument is that USA is finding it very expensive to execute criminals than to jail them for life. Surely, this is something that any sensible person should see. All states should awake to the fact that USA is wasting a lot of money in executing criminals instead of using this money on development projects that can benefit all. For example in North Carolina (Gold R. 2002; 89) about two million dollars are spent on effecting execution. When you compare capital sentence and life sentence, a person sentenced for life only needs to be fed, clothed, treated and guarded. Therefore it is cheaper to life imprison than to execute. The reasons why capital sentence should be abolished are that, the death row convicts spend a lot of money trying to fight for their freedom. They must hire lawyers who charge them exorbitantly so that they could argue about their fate, the process of appealing has become more protracted. Like in the case mentioned above, the convict spent about 25 years in jail before his life was terminated. Justice delayed is justice denied. The state spent alot of money to keep him than it could have spent if he was jailed for life. The reason why the execution process is long is that an innocent person may sometimes be executed. Therefore a lot of time is taken to dig in for finer details that could prove beyond reasonable doubts that the person alleged to have committed the crime really did it. According to the governor of Maryland his country spent 22. 4 million US dollars to execute death penalties. This money could have been used to pay at least 500 extra policemen a year or provide drugs for treating 10,000 drug addicts. He said when this money is used on other projects that are useful apart from executing law breakers, it becomes an investment that save lives and reduce violent crimes (www. Amnestyusa. Org;/Abolish) Most of the methods used to carry out death penalties should be abolished for they contravene human rights. A person is subjected to a very nasty experience that even the executors could not like to imagine themselves in. For example in lethal injections, a person is subjected to excruciating pain. The poison is injected to the criminal. It contains pancoronium bromide for killing his nerves and potassium chloride which is used to stop the heart beat. Sometimes the dose injected might not be enough or not well mixed. In such a case the victim takes longer than it should to die. The prisoner dies in intense pain from asphyxiation. For example there was a case in Florida whereby the executor missed to inject the drug in a vein and put it in the muscle. The victim died after 34th minute. During this period the victim writhed, grimaced and groaned suggesting that he was in pain. Another instance that shows that capital sentence violates human rights is of Saddam Hussein; the former president of Iraq. He was executed on 30th December 2006 during his execution, when the platform dropped, Saddam’s neck was broken and it could be heard at a distance that indeed his neck was broken. His body was left suspended on the noose for a few minutes before it was confirmed by the doctor that he was dead. The actual pictures were posted on the internet are horrific. The crimes he committed could not be compensated by his life plus the amount of money that was spent since his search begun trial and execution. According to (Baicker K. 2001; 12-27) more than 100 billion US dollars were spent. All this money was spent just because of one person. His trial was complicated and protracted. The much that was spent on his trial was more than what could have been used to keep him alive for the rest of life or be used to take care of other prisoners. Another reason why I am an ardent supporter of life sentence over capital sentence is that the criminals who are executed are like any other citizens who contribute to the economic. They play vital role in the economy. Some of them are even businessmen, doctors, teachers etc. The part they played could not be played by another person. So when a person is executed, the nation at large goes at a loss. These people could be taken to prison hospitals, schools and other businesses to offer their services there until they die and these people are not paid so, it is like killing two birds with one stone. States should also know that most of these criminals who are executed, some of them are highly educated and have different professions. The state has used a lot of its resources in educating them. Thus instead of taking all this money to waste, it should take advantage of their education by reaping some benefits from it instead of incurring a double loss. That is by trying and executing somebody whom the state has invested its resources on. Governments should reconsider their decision on capital sentence by trying to look this issue from an economist stand point. While still on this topic, I think USA should look and analyze capital sentence from an economic perspective. For example when a criminal who is the sole breadwinner is executed, his/her family lands in a sea of troubles. A family that was capable of providing itself with food starts depending on the government to provide to it everything that it needs. This becomes a burden to the government because it has to increase its budgetary allocation on the orphans funds and other unfortunate members of the society. Currently, US government spends les on poor families. I think it is because of many reasons abolition of capital sentence included. I think if it could be used as in the past decades, this cost would amazingly go up In California (Maganini S. 1988; 750-902) death penalty spends 114 million US dollars which is more than what is spent on life sentence. In executions according to the 2005 Los Angeles times study, California tax payers part with more than 250 US million dollars to finance a single execution. This government spends 11. million dollars on appointed counsel for those convicts who are in the death row and 12 million US dollars are spent by the federal government on defending death row convicts who are presented to federal courts. In 2005 according to the governor of California (Los Angeles Times) he needed 230 million US dollars to construct a new death row. In Kansas it was estimated that in 2003, its government used 70% more than the cost of executing other non-death penal ties. With all facts and figures put on the table, I do not think there is any person who can still argue for the continuity of death penalty. It is costly, unfair and inconsequential.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Racism and imperialism Essay

Our new global â€Å"frontiers† or â€Å"contact zones† come into view more noticeably in the Black Atlantic that links African Americans with West Africans in W. E. B. Du Bois’s and Zora Neale Hurston’s twentieth-century narratives and thus far still proposes the boundaries separating Euro-American from African-American cultural traditions in the United States. W. E. B. DuBois’s The Souls of Black Folk All through his long career and its many different phases, W. E. B. Du Bois continually criticized the United States for following imperialist aims both at home and abroad. He as well is one of the few modern American thinkers to recognize U. S. imperialism to be different from earlier forms of Eurocolonialism and to antedate significantly the Spanish-American War. For Du Bois, U. S. imperialism initiates in slavery and depends on racism to legitimate colonial practices of territorial conquest, economic power, and psychological defeat. Du Bois understands U. S. slavery to be particularly modern, to the extent that it is footed on particular racial distinctions he argues were unknown in earlier forms of serfdom and enslavement. He may well agree regarding the persistence of human unkindness throughout history, however he sees it deployed in a different way in the modern period. In the modern work of colonial domination and its methodical, therefore imperial, application to peoples defined thereby as â€Å"other,† Du Bois judges the United States to have taken the lead. Du Bois’s theory of racial imperialism is intensely contemporary on the economic roots of all imperialisms. However Du Bois comes the closest of the American intellectuals critical of U. S. imperialism before World War II to understanding U. S. imperialism as a neoimperialism of the postmodern sort we at present relate with the political control of spheres of influence, the corporate manipulation of foreign cultures to create new markets, as well as the exportation of American lifestyles by way of such cultural products as literature and film. For the reason that Du Bois understood race and class to be the critically related fictions by which modern nations justified the unfair distribution of wealth and consequently power, he viewed with special lucidity the extent to which cultural work was indispensable to colonial hierarchies both at home and abroad. For this very reason, Du Bois as well understood the power of culture to combat imperialism by challenging such hierarchies and building influential coalitions of the oppressed to resist domination. As Du Bois grew older and angrier regarding the unrecognized involvement of the United States in colonial ventures around the world, particularly in Africa, Latin America, and at home, he authorized an increasingly rigid economic thesis that is both rudely Marxist and inquisitively blind to the enthusiastic imperialism of the Stalinism he espoused. This turn in Du Bois’s career has often distracted scholars from the delicacy of his earlier discussions of the United States as an imperial power and its novel use of culture to disguise and naturalize its practices of domination. Given the propensity of even America’s most energetic modern critics to localize its imperialism in such specific foreign ventures as the Spanish-American War and the general myopia of Americans until quite lately in regard to the imbrication of U. S. racism and imperialism, Du Bois is a precursor of contemporary cultural and postcolonial criticisms of the role culture has played in disguising the imperialist practices of the United States. Wrong as Du Bois was about Stalinism and in his predictions of the predictable victory of socialism in the twentieth century, his persistence on connecting cultural analyses to their economic consequences as well ought to be heard by contemporary cultural critics. Particularly in his writings before the mid-1930s, Du Bois as well experimented with a combination of literary, historical, sociological, and political discourses that might work together as a â€Å"counter-discourse† to the fantastic narrative of U. S. ideology. The multigeneric qualities of The Souls of Black Folk is methodically modern in its respective challenges to conventional modes of representation, this works as well involve an implicit critique of the privileged and intentionally inaccessible oratory. Determined to challenge hierarchies of race, class, and gender, Du Bois understood how powerfully social authority depended on forms of cultural capital traditionally unavailable to African Americans. Du Bois understood from his earliest works that African-American intellectuals and artists would have to offer alternative cultural resources to challenge such subjective however entrenched powers Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston Zora Neale Hurston’s criticism of racial and gender hierarchies in the United States and in our foreign policies toward other nations, particularly in the Caribbean, presents another variation on the cultural response to U. S. imperialism. Unlike W. E. B. Du Bois, Hurston does not constantly and rigidly condemn U. S. intervention in the economic, political, and social spheres of other nations, although she obviously connects domestic racism and sexism with neoimperialist foreign policies, particularly those directed at Third World countries. As well Hurston does not romanticize modern or historical Africa, although she argues constantly for the recognition of how African cultural influences have contributed considerably to the artistic, intellectual, as well as social achievements of African-Americans. In a similar manner, Hurston refuses to romanticize colonized peoples as solely victimized by their conquerors; she goes to substantial lengths to illustrate how the process of decolonization, in Haiti, for instance, has too often brought tyrants to power who have rationalized their injustices on grounds of national sovereignty plus strident anti-colonialism. Hurston condemns all the tyrannies she witnesses, and she therefore estranges herself from U. S. nationalists of various sorts, African nationalists, and Communist critics of U. S. imperialism. At the same time, Hurston often appears to universalize the thesis that â€Å"power corrupts. † in a way that trivializes concrete solutions to the problems she identifies in the United States and the Caribbean. Thus far behind Hurston’s contempt for arbitrary power, whether wielded by white or black tyrants, and her disrespect for those who render righteous their own victimization, there is Hurston’s strong commitment to democratic rule and her conviction that solidarity among different victimized peoples will both authorize them and effect appropriate social reforms. These reforms include for Hurston an end to racial and gender hierarchies and the extension of economic opportunities to underprivileged groups, both within the United States and internationally. The utopian model for such social reforms is a truly democratic society in the United States, in spite of Hurston’s consistent criticism of social inequalities in the United States footed on race and gender. On the one hand, Hurston alleged that Euro-American culture, society, and psychology had much to learn from African-American forms of knowledge and experience; in her utopian moments, she imagines white America transformed and redeemed by such knowledge. On the other hand, she implicit the prevalence of a white ideology that treated much of African-American knowledge as â€Å"backward,† â€Å"superstitious,† and â€Å"primitive,† while whites turned these very characteristics into aspects of an exoticized and fashionable â€Å"negritude. † What some critics have referred to as Hurston’s â€Å"coding† of her narratives must be understood as her primary mode of narration, whose intention is to transform attitudes and feelings, together with preconceived ideas, rather than only â€Å"hiding† her intentions to protect her benefaction. Learning to read the â€Å"double consciousness† of Hurston’s coded narratives is itself a way of transgressing the boundary separating African American from white American, even as it respects the social and historical differences of the racism that has yet to be overcome. â€Å"Mules and Men† is frequently treated together for generic reasons, for the reason that it is major instance of Hurston’s work as folklorist and anthropologist. This book is as well interpreted by some critics as using literary techniques that foresee Hurston’s major fiction. It is the premeditated forgetting of this history of tangled fates and therefore of cultural realities that Hurston condemns in the official histories of the United States and that we ought to class as an imperative aspect of U. S. cultural imperialism. Hurston did not reject firmly the idea of the United States as â€Å"global policeman† or the prospect of U. S. foreign policies, particularly in the Caribbean, contributing to democratic ends. In this regard, she was by no means unusual among majority and minority U. S. intellectuals in the 1930s and 1940s. Hurston understood the ongoing racism and sexism in the United States as forms of colonial domination, which needed strategies of resistance that at times, complement more open anti-colonial and post-colonial struggles around the world. Never did she puzzle the realism of social stratifications by race, class, and gender with her ideals for democratic social, legal, as well as human practices. Furthermore it is the conflict between Hurston’s strategies for enlightening and resisting such oppression at home and abroad and her ideals for the spread of democratic institutions, particularly as they are represented by the promise of U. S. democracy that often contributes to the opposing quality of her political judgments or the impression of her apolitical stance. Hurston’s politics are frequently bound up with her own personality as a progressive, â€Å"new Negro,† exemplifying urban sophistication and specialized education, who sought to connect the rural and Afro-Caribbean heritage of African Americans with their modern future. References: W. E. B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk (Greenwich, Conn. , 1961), 42-43. Zora Neale Hurston, Mules and Men (NewYork: Harper-Collins, 1990), p. 294

Monday, July 29, 2019

Does Pre-education Develops Students Developing Performance In Their Essay

Does Pre-education Develops Students Developing Performance In Their Next Study - Essay Example This essay stresses that Kariuki, Chepchieng, Mbugua and Ngumi (2007) in their study highlight the effectiveness of early childhood education program for the development of social-emotional competencies. The research design focuses on the ex-post facto to understand the interdependency of early childhood education program on the social emotional competency. The samples were obtained to fairly and equally represent schools and respondents of three district. The survey questionnaires of the study focus on the documentation analysis and group discussion of the data collection. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical tools were used to analyze the data, as it provides a summary, analytical and empirical analysis about the particular sample. The survey questionnaires of the study focus on the documentation analysis and group discussion of the data collection. This paper makes a conclusion that the persistent attendance of the children of the lower income, middle class families can be effective for the children. No relationship between the social development and the center attendance has been observed through the study. Therefore, the study suggests that the selection factors play the major role for the mothers to enroll their children in the center. The findings of the study also highlights that the center exposure at the age of 7+ can be a source of higher cognitive proficiency.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bronx Elderly Care Charity Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bronx Elderly Care Charity Organization - Essay Example This essay discusses that the mission of the organization is â€Å"Providing care for the elderly for better lives†. The senior citizens deserve to have a comfortable life. Most of the elderly people are poor while the others are lonely due to busy family members. Lack of food and proper living conditions make the elderly people vulnerable to different diseases. Providing food and other essential needs helps them live a longer more comfortable life. The people cannot afford any medical care because of the poverty conditions. The organization thus goes ahead and helps the people settle their medical bills in case any of them falls sick.As the study highlights  the organization has workers always working round the clock. Different teams work together to ensure the senior citizens get the help they need. The people are in different teams of five people whose responsibilities go from accounting to managing to fieldwork. The employees with social science skills are sent to ensure the elderly are comfortable and also to discover new homeless, elderly people that could require help. There is a consistent reminder from the leaders about the importance of teamwork in performing our duties. The importance of collaboration is ensuring the organization gets its goals and fast results from the employees.  There is a team whose purpose is to look for sponsors and people who are to help the organization help the needy. The marketing team consists of people from different ethnicity groups.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Trategic Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Trategic Marketing Plan - Essay Example Today, thi form of global marketing i referred to a the hybrid trategic approach, or "glocalization." The trategic intent i to ue a centralized trategic "footprint" to build global brand identity, while allowing country-pecific flexibility in the executional or tactical and communication mix deciion. When determining what the trategic implication are for global interactive advertiing under thi form of marketing, one find that the concept of global marketing and global interactive advertiing are no longer utilizing an ethnocentric perpective. Intead, global marketing hould be conidered polycentric or geocentric (outward looking). Global marketing acknowledge and ue trategic intent to coordinate the combination of centralized corporate or brand directive with more localized adaptation in interactive advertiing placement and executional deciion-making. Thu, global marketing doe ugget that reaching global conumer i a trategically intended outcome of a hybrid trategic approach. In more de tail, four main factor included in the above-mentioned approach are product, price, place, and promotion. In other word, when marketing their product, whether locally or globally, firm need to create a ucceful mix of: A product i defined a: "Anything that i capable of atifying cutomer need". Then the product i the central point on which marketing energy mut focu. Finding out how to make the product, etting up the production line, providing the finance and manufacturing the product are not the reponibility of the only marketing function. However, it i alo concerned with what the product mean to the cutomer. Marketing therefore play a key role in determining uch apect a: * the appearance of the product - in line with the requirement of the market * the function of the product - product mut addre the need of cutomer a identified through market reearch. Buinee need to regularly develop new product and market for future growth. A ueful way of looking at growth opportunitie i the Anoff Growth Matrix which ugget that there are four main way in which growth can be achieved through a product trategy: (1) Market penetration - Increae ale of an exiting product in an exiting market (2) Product development - Improve preent product and/or develop new product for the current market (3) Market development - ell exiting product into new market (e.g. developing export ale) (4) Diverification - Develop new product for new market Analyi and Interpretation One thing hould be pointed out i how a product appear in relation to other product in the market, or how importance the brand of a product i. Brand i a mixture of tangible and intangible attribute ymbolized in a trademark, which, if properly managed, permit a buine to differentiate it product and ervice from thoe of it competitor, add extra value for conumer who value the brand and improve profitability. Profeor David Jober identifie even main factor in building ucceful brand: Quality Quality i a vital ingredient of a good brand. Remember the "core benefit" - the thing conumer expect. Thee mut be delivered well, conitently, etc... Reearch confirm that, tatitically, higher quality brand achieve a higher market hare and higher profitability than their inferior competitor. Poitioning Poitioning i about the poition a brand occupie in a

A two year old child in extended family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A two year old child in extended family - Essay Example Observations of my case study family led me to understand that the meaning of family is an idea that is enacted through a core, stable group of people that is extended through a fluctuating series of others who come in and out of the home. Henry (1996, p. 32) writes that parents can meet the needs of children through mechanisms of secure attachment, but interactions with others through additional secure attachments can actually enhance childhood attachments with parents. Part of the socialization of a child is to create interactions with a variety of people and to help them engage the world (Edgar 1995, p. 5). As much as the intention of observing is to be on the outside of the family, I found that in my experience the intentions of a toddler will override the intentions of the observer and include them in the family process. The study of the family is the study of origins. Studying different families means studying their diverse cultures to see how differences have an influence, if any, on how children develop (Shimoni and Baxter 2008, p. 47). The family that I visited was Muslim and the structure of the family was nuclear with a mother, father, and extended family consisting of the paternal grandmother and grandfather with whom the parents and the child lived. The mother was focused on the activities of the child with the father being unable to be as focused on the development of the child as he was preoccupied with work for most of the time I observed. (Edgar 1995, p. 5).  ... The study of the family is the study of origins. Studying different families means studying their diverse cultures to see how differences have an influence, if any, on how children develop (Shimoni and Baxter 2008, p. 47). The family that I visited was Muslim and the structure of the family was nuclear with a mother, father, and extended family consisting of the paternal grandmother and grandfather with whom the parents and the child lived. The mother was focused on the activities of the child with the father being unable to be as focused on the development of the child as he was preoccupied with work for most of the time I observed. The motherhood ideology has mothers at the centre of reproduction and early childhood interaction (Reiger 1995, p. 48). The grandparents were very involved in the experiences of the child with an almost equal participation. Shimoni and Baxter (2008, p. 48) discuss a study by Wearing who determined that the ideology of motherhood still held that there is a â€Å"legitimate men’s social power and maintain women’s primary responsibility for child-rearing†. The study also determined that women feel that a ‘good’ mother was always available for her children and being a woman and being a good mother were an intermeshed identity. In studying my case study family I found that this framework of motherhood held true. Observing and Interacting One of the problems with observing is maintaining a barrier between the observer and the observed. During the course of my observations I became close with the family as the mother confided in me some of her concerns and the child interacted with me during the course of the observations. Beckett (1988, p. 140) discusses the nature of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

To What Extent Has the USA Been Successful In Creating a Durable Essay

To What Extent Has the USA Been Successful In Creating a Durable Liberal World Order - Essay Example This essay stresses that America had been a nation which the whole world idolized in earlier times. However, recently the country has accumulated large amount of hatred and despise due its overpowering nature. The political strategy of America had proved to be selfish and rebellious. America has earned an image of hegemony with interests those conflicts with its counterparts. America has had war all over Middle East and has changed their ruler and also intimidated people to fight for their lives. In the search of terrorist they have killed many innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They have had the enmity of Muslims all over the world and had been tagged as the most threatening nation. America even became the target of radicals due to their imperialistic nature This paper makes a conclusion that the imperialism of America lies in their act of monopolizing the world business market. They decide the trade of oil and have technological power over other nations. America had been involving in the political affairs of all nations and interferes in worldly matters to find their benefit. America has the interest of being the super power of the world and they had done many atrocities and tactics to remain on top. The country has had many enemies and will continue to increase their enemies due to their foreign policy and hidden political agendas. America have been advantageous to world in many ways, however their political strategy is seriously selfish and unacceptable. To remain in power, the country has used many principles which make them an immoral country on many accounts.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

SUSTAINABLE MARKETING- critical analyze an organization Essay

SUSTAINABLE MARKETING- critical analyze an organization - Essay Example As far as the triple bottom line is concerned, the airline has made a number of steps towards achieving these three requirements. According to its official website (Emirates), it has a foundation called the Emirates Airline Foundation. This foundation has the task of providing funding in a number of crucial projects within the developing world. This has thus helped to improve the livelihoods of the people living within these countries. The airline has also committed itself to follow the four pillar strategy set by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). These are aimed at ensuring that the levels of carbon emissions come down. The airline has done this through a number of strategies such as the adoption of technology that is advanced. It has also committed itself to use of efficient aircrafts that reduce the amounts of emissions, as well as, the noise in the environment. This has helped the company maintain an emission level that is 30% lower than the average airline emis sions. The company has also employed a strategy of recycling and waste reduction, staff education, lower energy use and greater communication. Equally, it has the ‘environmental champions’ program, which empowers staff to be environmentally conscious at home, at work and any other place they visit (Emirates). As far as profitability is concerned, the company’s website states that it has sought to ensure this is maintained through its policy of being an ecologically efficient organization. This means that the company will try to reduce pollution and use fewer resources. This will enable it to conserve the already dwindling natural resources. As far as a customer relation is concerned, the airline has ensured that comfort throughout the travel is assured. This is ensured through a number of strategies such as the cuisine served in the plane, the seats as well as the polite staff on the plane (Emirates). An affirmation of the airlines efforts can be seen in the numb er of awards it has been granted. In 2010, the company won the 2010 World Travel and Tourism Council’s (WTTC) conservation award for its Emirates Hotels and Resorts. It also got the 2010 Skytrax Airline award for its airline in-flight entertainment. The steps that the company has taken have made it the second most profitable airline globally (Graham et al., 2008). In light with this, the company has been successful in maintaining itself commercially through its competitive advantage strategies. The company has, however, issued a profit warning of a 76% drop in its profit in the 2012-2013 financial years, mainly due to the cost of fuel (Emirates). 2 Stakeholder Analysis There are a number of stakeholders who relate to the Emirates airlines. These are the customers, the competition, the company itself and the community around it. Analysis of these stake holders is deliberated on in the following section in a bid to understand the company better. 3 Customer Analysis The company has three categories of customer accommodation. These are first class, business class and economy class. These three forms of accommodations represent three different types of individuals. The first class customer is the one who is willing to pay a large sum

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ministry Integration Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ministry Integration Project - Research Paper Example This act of modeling Christ Jesus in our own personal lives can serve as the strongest witness over whatever is preached in the pulpit. On the other hand, a single pastor is the symbol of integrity and celibacy in the presence of too many temptations in the world. That said, a married pastor that experiences chaos in his family life will act as a bad influence and at the same time be destructive to the congregation that they are ministering to and hence hinder his role and purpose as the Lord’s witness to the rest of the world. Pastor’s and to the larger extent Christians ought to have it together in their personal and family lives so as to act as a good example to the rest of the population that is composed of non- believers and believers of other faiths. A chaotic pastor’s or Christian’s life will offer little incentive to the non-believer since they will not see the need to substitute their current life with a chaotic life in the name of non-believers. A Christian leader who does not have any organized love and family relationship will not command any respect from his congregation since they will not hold him in such high regard. In the real world, families are not always perfect and this does not exclude the pastor’s family as well. There always tends to be conflict in married life. With this said, the minister always has a higher or greater responsibility to ensure that his marriage and family always tend to work even in the face of all these problems that afflict most if not every family. The minister of the church will always have a much greater responsibility in bringing up his children in the way of the Lord and also with respect and Love. This aspect does not mean that his family is expected to be perfect, but it means that he should handle his family problems with integrity and maturity so as to end up in the end with a united family as well as a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Constitution and the U.S. Government branches Assignment

The Constitution and the U.S. Government branches - Assignment Example To gain efficiency in subsequence, the US Constitution has significantly divided the federal government into three branches i.e. Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judiciary Branch (Trethan, 2013). Article 1 of the US constitution describes its Legislative Branch, which includes two main bodies – namely ‘House of Representatives’ and ‘Senate’, collectively known as Congress. These bodies are vested with the authority to frame laws for the nation. Article 2, correspondingly describes the Executive Branch, which is governed by the US President. The President of the nation executes the federal laws as well as makes necessary recommendation regarding new laws (Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services, 2014). Additionally, in accordance to this branch, the President directs the national defense as well as formulates foreign policies and endures the various ceremonial duties. The third constitutional branch, as mentioned under the US Constitution is the Judicial Branch. Article 3 of the constitution herewith covers the Judicial Branch, which is headed by the US Supreme Court. In this regard, the key power of this branch is to un derstand and evaluate the entire Constitution, appraise laws and make decisions relevant to various cases that are engaged with the rights of the states (Mount,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Major Religions Essay Example for Free

Major Religions Essay Religions are among the most influential forces in history, if not the most influential at all. Most historical events that has shaped or helped shaped the world as it is today were founded along religious backgrounds and teachings. From Constantine to the fall of the Roman Empire, from European conquest to the Crusades, and from the condemnation of heretics to religious terrorism, these are events with religious influences that took part in the course of history. Even today, religion plays an important role in people’s actions that affect the society and even influences politics. Religion is so influential in fact that even when science has slowly displaced religious beliefs, it has remained a powerful force in dictating public opinion, compelling political leaders to act according to their standards. Religion’s Role in Society Religion is an important topic in every human civilization. The culture, tradition and beliefs of people are based on religion. The importance of religion in every human civilization, and indeed of the society, could not have been stated more precisely in Charles Taylor’s foreword to Marcel Gauchet’s book entitled The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion from which he used Durkheim’s ideas. He explained that for Durkheim, religion was the very basis of society—â€Å"a pattern of practices that gives a certain shape to our social imaginary† (as cited in Taylor 1997, x). Gauchet, on the other hand, explained the expansion of religion as an accompanying goal of expanding the state. He wrote: â€Å"wars of expansion could no doubt be justifiably considered one of the greatest spiritual and intellectual forces to have ever operated in history† (Gauchet 1997, 36). This he reasoned by stating that â€Å"religious upheaval is inscribed in the State’s action, contained within its necessities as dictated by the political division. Broadening the State’s influence subjectivizes supernatural forces, which can only further broaden its practical scope for dominion by making it an intermediary for an instituting will that it administers. We see how the dialectic between the visible forces and its invisible guarantor, between the actual and presumed power, slowly draws the religious into history† (1997, 40). Significant Historical Events Influenced by Religion There are quite a number of events influenced by religion that has changed the course of history, but perhaps none as prominent as the establishment of Christianity. Beginning with a small sect of Jewish tradition whose members were persecuted for their beliefs, Christianity has emerged to be the most popular religion around the world today, with adherents comprising up to a third of the world’s population. Christians, during the Roman Empire, were persecuted and blamed whenever it was found convenient to blame them for some problems of the Empire. It was not until Emperor Constantine had converted to Christianity did the religion secure its future. Apparently, Constantine held that his victory from a battle against a rival was due to his vision to fight under the Christian standard—the cross. Christianity continued to be influential in empires succeeding the decline of the Roman Empire. The Byzantine Empire, as a continuation of the Roman Empire, rose through a deep religious faith along the majestic pattern of the Roman State and Hellenism. With Theodosius as emperor, pagan worships and heresies were declared illegal thereby promoting Christianity to all territories of the Empire. Some held that the Byzantine Empire had allowed for the widespread adoption of Christianity to Europe be defending the West from pagan invaders from the East. The Empire also brought a close link between the state and the church in that while the emperor takes the lead, the church set a high standard in its relation to secular powers. â€Å"In the threat of excommunication the western church discovers a powerful weapon for dealing with wayward rulers† (HistoryWorld). By the end of the fifth century AD, kings and popes would wield power from the Italian peninsula in the West while emperors would still rule in the East. Christianity is such an important feature of the Empire that when Jerusalem fell into the hands, first of Persia then of the Muslims, it became an urgent matter of State. As the Byzantine Empire was strengthened by the Christian faith, it faced its greatest threat with another rising religion. Islam, with its expansionist doctrine, had conquered the Persian Empire and has severely crippled the Byzantine Empire that before the launching of the First Crusade Byzantium had become the boundary between the Christian West and the Muslim East. The influence of religion as a powerful force in history is perhaps best exemplified in the Crusades. The fact that the wars the Crusades waged into became a contest between the two most influential religions today proves this point. The size and scale of the Crusades could be attributed to the effectiveness of Pope Urban II call for military support against the infidels who threatened their Christian brothers in the East, promising the immediate remission of sins to all those who die for the cause and stating that â€Å"God wills it. † While the Crusades were ordained by the church, the destruction of its knights, particularly that of the Knights Templar, could be attributed to the interplay between the church and the state, with the church taking on a more passive role. It could be argued that while it was under the Pope (Clement V) who found the Templars as heretics, effectively disbanding them and persecuted them, the fact that Philip IV could not have done it himself without pressuring the church proves that the church extends its influence on public opinion. The state relied on the churchs approval and pressured it to promote its will when necessary to make it seem that the states actions have the blessing of the church. After all, a king of any Christian domain would not be king until ordained by the church. Hence, it is only natural for the king to seek the approval of the church or to make it seem they have its approval for their rule to be acceptable. The interplay between the state and the church could also be seen in the churchs influence in the scientific community. This is best exemplified in discoveries and theories that contradicts Biblical claims. The Copernican system, for example, was condemned because it contradicts the claim of man being the center of Gods creation that Galileo was forced to withdraw his findings even when he had his proof that the earth revolves around the sun. Darwins theory of evolution was also met with hostilities because of its claims against religious beliefs that God created the world in six days. While science has slowly displaced religious claims, religion remains to be influential. Up until this day, there are anti-evolution movements that promotes the creation of man and the world by an intelligent being. Contemporary Religion Influences Frank Lambert (2008, 2), in his book, Religion in American Politics, explained that â€Å"as religion shapes individual character and moral development, it thereby influences public affairs, albeit in an indirect way. † As an example, he stated that â€Å"through moral instruction, religion informs the values, priorities, and decisions of citizens and officeholders as they enter the voting booth and the statehouse† (2008, 2). Religious groups, Lambert continued to explain, also become more directly involved in the political process. â€Å"They lobby Congress to enact or oppose specific legislation, participate in electoral politics on behalf of candidates who support their agendas, and offer the full range of their institutional resources to sympathetic political parties† (Lambert 2008, 2). It is important to note that such connection between the state and religion is not limited to America. Religions around the world continue to exert its influence in political affairs by stirring their adherents and promoting their stands into public opinion. This is especially seen in Christian countries. While religious groups continue to play an important role in political affairs, extremist factions of religious origins assert their influence in a more violent manner. Religious terrorism is perhaps the most dangerous, complex and persistent problem the world has faced. Juergensmeyer held that perpetrators in religious terrorism place â€Å"religious images of divine struggle—cosmic war—in the service of worldly political battle† (as cited in Gary 2001). Religious terrorism is a tactic in political strategy while at the same time evoking a much larger spiritual confrontation. Muslim terrorist, for example, continue to call on the divine doctrine of jihad in the destruction of infidels. Much as it has united the Muslims during the Muslim conquests, it continues to have an appeal for extremists into using violence in promoting their ideals. Note that religious terrorism does not encompass solely on Islam. Throughout the world, violence committed in the name of religion occurs. Conclusion Time and again, we see that the influence of religion in worldly affairs can dictate much of what happens in the course of history. Major battles have indeed been waged in the name of religion in the past. We see this through the Crusades, the Muslim conquests, and the religious wars in the sixteenth century. Stately affairs must have the approval of the church, or every action of the state must seem to have its approval. Even the scientific community is influenced by religion, especially with scientific theories and discoveries contradicting religious claims. Today, religion still has a major influence in political affairs, providing moral instructions to their adherents whose approval political parties must win and pressuring legislation in favor of their moral doctrines. In the guise of spiritual confrontation, religion is also exerting its influence through violent means. Despite the technologies and philosophies that has come in modern age, religion continues to be a powerful influence in dictating the course of history. References Gary, Jay. 2001. Unmasking religious terrorism. http://jaygary. com/terrorism. shtml Gauchet, Marcel. 1997. The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion. Ed. Oscar Burge. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. HistoryWorld. History of the Byzantine Empire. http://www. historyworld. net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories. asp? historyid=ac59 Lambert, Frank. 2008. Religion in American Politics: A Short History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Taylor, Charles. 1997. Foreword to The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion by Marcel Gauchet. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Analysis of the poem Essay Example for Free

Analysis of the poem Essay The poem Originally by Carol Ann Duffy talks about the issue of culture identity. The poem talks about change, memories, and anxiety which occurs when moving. This is conveyed through the experiences of a young girl in the poem who is reluctant to leave what she knows behind. This is made apparent through the theme of memory and the continual change of setting. The title Originally sets the tone for the poem as there change needs to occur for there to be an original. This choice of diction allows for an expectation for what the journey will be about, while the ambiguity of the poem is written in such a way that personal experiences can be projected upon the protagonist. The aspect of the poem through tone however creates a bias towards negative emotions and experiences due to the despondent tone throughout the first two stanzas. This atmosphere of loss is aided through the use of negative emotive diction such as bawling and resigned. By showing that the protagonists brothers are crying, Duffy illustrates how hard this is for them as crying is usually only brought on by major or sad events and loss, resigned is used to show how she has accepted her fate, but it doesnt mean she likes it. This association of emotions with the diction allows for empathy to occur towards the protagonist and her unsure feelings about her emigration. The theme of cultural identity is used in the poem in order to instil a sense of not belonging. This feeling of unease and unhappiness is introduced through the use of bawling as this change from the place where they are comfortable and belong to the new one is both painful and confusing for them. The use of italics however, in the repetition of Home as well as the capitalisation of it, emphasises its importance to them and their desire to return to it. The use of a blind toy by Duffy can be used as a metaphor towards the protagonists new life, where, although the toy is blind, it still has eyes. The foreshadowing could be that when the protagonist moves she will be blinded by everything which is new so that she doesnt become overwhelmed by it. She will continue to be blind to the beauty of her new home so long as she is yearning for her old one. However, once she is ready her sight will return and she will start to forget her cultural identity. At the time, the girl doesnt want this however, so she is clinging onto a toy to maintain her memories of home. Additionally, a toy is associated with childhood, so the clinging onto it may represent how she doesnt want to grow up and leave her comforts behind. By saying in the second stanza that all childhood is emigration, Duffy allows for immediate relation to the protagonists situation. This is due to the journey of growing up to adulthood which is a worldwide experience, as well as referring to physical emigration of moving from one place to another. Improtantly however, the emigration of childhood is all made without the acceptance of the person moving, they cannot stop growing older, and parents make the ultimate decisions. This unease and the inability to understand the need to move is reinforced by the location of her new home where no one you know stays. This introduces the tone of isolation which is reinforced by having the wrong accent, and shouting words you dont understand which immediately marks a person as being from a different area, even though the move could have been within the same country of city, the accent and slang changes. The introduction of big boys shows that she is intimidated by people from the area who are older and bigger as she doesnt know how they will react, this is reinforced by the alliteration present through the repetition of the hard d, continuing the feeling of intimidation which the protagonist encounters. A continuation of the alliteration in sibilance, seeing your brother swallow a slug, feel only a skelf of shame, provides an insight that the protagonist is slightly proud of her brothers for adapting so well to the environment, which is then applied to herself in a continuation of sibilance in combination with a simile in that she remembers (her) tongue shedding its skin like a snake, my voice in the classroom sounding just like the rest. This shows that she is also now adapting to her environment, reinforced by the fact that a shed skin is natural for a snake, and this adaptation is normal, although slightly unwanted. The last stanzas change in tone shows how the protagonist has changed with age. This allows for a time skip to take place into a time when she is more mature and able to reflect upon the journey easily, although with some regret. This is expressed through rhetorical questions beginning with the use of Do I only think, in line 20, which builds up an atmosphere of longing and wistfulness. There is also a tone of uncertainty in there, as she doesnt know if she had remained in the place if the feelings of belonging would have remained, which is why she only questions and doesnt outright believe that staying would have been the best option for her. The rhyming of the words first space and right place reinforces the doubt she feels about her cultural identity. The continued doubt of the protagonists cultural identity which occurs in lines 23 and 24, illustrates how she will continue to try and find the answers throughout her life as she will never be truly certain of who she is, creating a sense of not belonging. Although emigration is a hard thing to experience, Duffy illustrates that trying to maintain a cultural identity through such a process may cause problems later. The continued rejection of the new culture illustrates how much of an outsider it makes the protagonist feel later in life, which could have been avoided if it had been readily embraced. The place which she originates from will always have a draw, however, the acceptance of a new culture viewed as a new part of a personal culture, would be much easier to accept than a replacement to the old one.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Engineering Systems and Components of Centrifuge

Engineering Systems and Components of Centrifuge Description The main job of the horizontal decanter centrifuge is to separate materials of different densities. In this system, the centrifuge is required to separate the olive oil from water and any other solids such as stones. The decanter centrifuge (Figure 1) is part of the olive pressers assembly line made up of four main machines: de-leafing washing, olive crushing mill, horizontal malaxer, and the centrifuge. Figure 1 shows briefly what the assembly line consists of. The inputs into the centrifuge are olives which have undergone a number of processes through the other main machines of the olive presser assembly line. These processed olives are referred to as cake. This cake is the input of the decanter centrifuge and contains stone, water, other chemical additives, and oil. The centrifuge uses the concept of sedimentation to separate the cake into heavy liquid and light liquid, the lighter liquid being the olive oil, which is the output required from the system. Basically, due to the difference in densities the cake and oil will separate naturally given enough time (the oil floats on top of the cake). The centrifuge speeds up this process using high rotational speeds, exerting up to 4000G on the cake. This is useful since a process that would take hours to achieve could happen in a matter of seconds. The centrifuge rotates at high speeds, resulting in the separation of the contents inside the centrifuge according to their density, allowing the olive oil to be retrieved from the system [1]. ADD SCREENSHOT OF CENTRIFUGE Overview of OperationThe cake is input to the system through a small inlet tube encased in a wider shaft. This shaft has an Archimedean spiral, i.e. the scroll, welded to it. The shaft together with the scroll is called the conveyor, and it is encased in a drum. The shaft, and thus also the scroll is turned by a motor pulley system. The cake flows into the scroll area where separation of the olive oil from the cake occurs due to the high Gs generated by rotation and the angle at one end of the scroll. The olive oil and waste are output through nozzles at opposite ends of the centrifuge drum.The centrifuge is attached to the frame using a pillow block bearing. The frame supports the entirety of the system. Basic Sizing Requirements By comparing to existing centrifuges, the optimal drum diameter and rotational speed are 425 mm, and 3800 RPM respectively. A 1:4 design ratio (drum diameter compared to the drum length) is adopted, resulting in a centrifuge length of 1700 mm [2]. A beach angle of 200 is taken, as explained in Appendix 1. Specification Sheet Centrifuge Specifications Centrifuge Type Two-phase; Horizontal Maximum Overall Length 3 m Maximum Overall Width 1.5 m Maximum Overall Height 1.5 m Input Rate 450 kg/h Centrifuge RPM 3800 Centrifuge Beach Angle 200 Centrifuge drum diameter 425 mm Centrifuge diameter to length ratio 1:4 Centrifuge Length 1700 mm Centrifuge shaft outer diameter 120 mm Tree Diagram The following tree diagram is a graphical representation of the centrifuge and its sub-systems. Please turn over to find the above mentioned tree diagram. Block Diagram The following block diagram is a graphical representation of how the centrifuge works in order to extract the oil from the olives. This graphical representation will provide a better understanding of how the sub-systems interact with one another. Please turn over for the above mentioned block diagram. Brief explanation of the chosen components Drive Frame (Figure 2): A tray to which the motor is bolted down to stay in position. It is attached to the legs of the centrifuge lower casing. It determines the distance between the shaft of the motor and shaft of the centrifuge. Figure 2: Drive Frame Centrifuge Frame (Figure 3): The overall frame of the decanter, this supports the entire structure of the centrifuge. Figure 3: Centrifuge Frame Upper Casing (Figure 4): The Upper casing covers the drum of the centrifuge. It blocks contaminants from making contact with the drum and restricts the user of the machine from making contact with moving parts, providing better safety. Figure 4: Upper Casing Lower Casing (Figure 5): The lower casing acts as a collector for the products discharged from the rotating assembly and transports them to receivers for onward handling. The casing has to keep these separated entities apart. So it can be concluded that the casing as an oil collector at one end and a cake discharge collector at the conical side. Figure 5: Lower Casing Feed Tube (Figure 6): A tube that the cake is transported to the centrifuge from the malaxer. This is also the input of the centrifuge. Its inner diameter is determined by its required input flow rate. Figure 6: Feed Tube 3-phase Motor (Figure 7): The motor provides the initial torque required to rotate the belt. The motor chosen is the AEG AM 132M ZA4*[3], a 3-phase motor which provides 7.5kW of power, with the possibility of increasing the power up to 9.2kW through a small modification, making this a flexible choice. Figure 7: 3-Phase Motor Belt (Figure 8): The Flat belt connects the pulley of the 3-phase motor and the centrifuge drum together, transferring power. The chosen Flat-belt is a Polyamide A-3c belt since it provides the appropriate thickness, allowable tension, and coefficient of friction, while also being appropriate for the minimum pulley diameter. Pulley (Figure 8): The pulley is used to modify the speed of the drum and is connected to the motor. Key: A 8 x 10 mm rectangular key 70 mm long is added to the motor pulley in order to make sure that the pulley spins together with the motor shaft in such a way that there is no relative motion between the two. Figure 8: Belt and Pulley Belt Guard (Figure 9): The purpose of the belt guard is to protect the belt and pulley system from any accidents. It prevents contact of the belt with any foreign objects by stopping them from entering the belt area without removing the guard first. This may prevent injuries and breakages. The guard also keeps the belt area clean from any residual debris generated during the process. It can be easily removed for maintenance and cleaning. Figure 9: Belt Guard Figure 10: Drum shell with Archimedes screw inside Drum: The drum (Figure 10) is a cylindrical tube with flanges at both ends. At one end, the liquid discharge drum hub, this is where liquids are discharged from the centrifuge, while on the other side the cake discharge hub is connected, this is where solids are discharged from the centrifuge. The separation medium reaches its maximum speed in the decanter drum. This causes the solids to settle on the wall of the drums inner diameter. This is all a result of the high centrifugal force, which acts on the particles. One distinctive feature of the drum is its tapered shape. This tapered shape is referred to as the beach. The beach is a conical section at the end of drum. It has this conical shape to exert additional force on the solids, hence squeezing out the last drops of liquid. In this part of the process the centrifugal force push the solids uphill. This design helps to elevate the solids above the waterline in the discharge chamber. Figure 11: Bearing Setup [2] Front hub bearings: This horizontal setup (Figure 11) is supported by the use of bearings which are cased in a pillow block. Bearings are used to reduce friction and the effects brought on the component through wear and tear. This bearing used in this assembly is a roller bearing. The roller bearing is a bearing in which the main load is transferred through elements in rolling contact. Pillow Block: The fundamental application of the pillow block is to mount the bearing safely, which enables the bearings outer ring to be stationary, while the bearing inner ring to rotate. The bearing is supported in a housing and sealed with a non-contacting flinger. This non-contacting flinger is a seal, as the name implies it does not come into contact with the shaft. Its main application is to keep lubricants and grease from escaping, while at the same time it helps keep water, dust and other contaminants that could be harmful, out of the bearing assembly. It does this with the help of the centrifugal force. Rear hub Bearings: The rear hub bearing assembly is similar to that of the front hub. Its main job is to support one side of the conveyer. This bearing also resists the axial thrust of the scroll. Figure 12: Generated 3D Representation of Conveyor. Conveyer: The conveyer (Figure 12) is a central hub with a continuous helix welded to it. The conveyer is in the shape of an Archimedes screw fitting inside the drum, between the 2 end hubs. This conveyer will have a small clearance in relation to the drum. It main job is to carry solids which have settled against the walls of the drum, then pushing these solids towards the beach where they can be discharged. Its main functions are to convey the solids after they form a cake, accept the feed and accelerates it up to the drum speed. The material used is EN 1.4571 which is a form of high speed steel (HSS). The conveyer is the transport tool in a decanter centrifuge. The conveyer rotates with a different speed in relation to the drum, subsequently transporting the settled solids towards the conical shape of the drum. Also, the speed at which the conveyer rotates in relation to the drum defines how long a solid spends in the drum. The pitch of the conveyer is related to the transport pe rformance of the centrifuge [2]. This conveyor is comprised of two main sub-components; the scroll, and the shaft. The scroll is welded to the shaft, which rotates. While the two obviously need to be machined separately and welded together for economic reasons, they will be considered as a single part; the conveyor. Calculations Nomenclature Variable (Motor) Description P Power T Torque à Ã¢â‚¬ ° Angular velocity Variable (Flow) Description V Volume A Cross-Sectional Area of segment L Length of segment à Ã‚ Ã‚ ­cake Density of cake Variable (Belt) Description D Driver/Motor pulley diameter d Driven/Shaft diameter n1 RPM of shaft n ­Ã‚ ­2 RPM of motor pulley d Angle of contact for shaft D Angle of contact for motor pulley C Distance between centres t Thickness of belt b Wirth of belt l Length of belt ÃŽÂ · Specific weight of belt à Ã‚  Density of belt V Volume of belt m Mass per unit length of belt r Radius of pulley à Ã¢â‚¬ ° Rotational Velocity FC Centrifugal force on belt F1 Tension in tight side of belt F2 Tension in loose side of belt Fi Initial force required to overcome friction ÃŽÂ ¼ Coefficient of friction FR Resultant force of belt on shaft Variable (Deflection) Description E Youngs modulus of material I Moment of Inertia of shaft y Deflection in shaft Variable (Bearings) Description P1 Weight of conveyor P2 Force exerted on shaft by belt RA Reaction at bearing A RB Reaction at bearing B Variable (Shaft) Description Bending Stress Shear Stress M Maximum Bending Moment c Outer radius of shaft I Moment of Inertia of shat T Torque applied J Polar Moment of Inertia router Outer radius of shaft rinner Inner radius of shaft Calculations and Sizing Material Selection Since the machine will make contact with biological materials, certain characteristics and requirements have to be met in order to ensure that the parts making up the centrifuge will not chemically alter or affect the product in anyway. A list of materials suitable for food processing has been compiled by the FDA, based in the US. The 6th iteration of this code, released in 2013, gives specific requirements with regards to materials used in food-contact surfaces of equipment in chapter 4, subpart 4-101.11. Among these requirements are corrosion resistance and durability. Considering this, the material chosen for all the parts that will come into contact with the product; namely the centrifuge and its casing; the chosen material is EN 1.4571 Stainless Steel, which suitably fits all relevant requirements. [4] REF FDA? Calculations to find motor required Aim: To find the torque required to turn the shaft at a speed of 3800 RPM, which has been determined to be optimal for this machine (Figure 13) and thus find the power needed and an appropriate motor. Diagram: Figure 13: 3D diagram of power transmission system Due to the complex effects of fluid flow on the resistance to turning, the required torque for operation will be found by reverse engineering a similar system. HAUS Centrifuge Technologies produce a horizontal decanter centrifuge that has a maximum RPM of 5400, and utilizes a motor with a power output of 11 kW that can process up to around 1 m3/hr of material [5]. This is sufficiently similar to the system being discussed in this report and can thus be used to reverse engineer the torque requirements during steady state. Using the equation Pdrum = Tdrumà Ã¢â‚¬ °, the required torque may be found. Thus, the required power for the system will be: Since the reverse engineered system accounts for power losses due to inefficiencies and other factors, as well as the fact that that system has an overall larger processing capacity, the required power value obtained can be assumed to slightly larger than the true minimum requirement. However, this will account for any power losses during transmission as well as any potential extra power demands. Conclusions: The chosen motor is the AEG AM 132M ZA4*. This has a maximum of 1440 RPM and 9.2 kW of power, with an efficiency of 87% when operating at 100% RPM, and a weight of 56kg. This is a modification of the AM 132M ZA4 motor, which only produces 7.5 kW of power [3]. The AM 132M ZA4* is a 4-pole, 3-phase motor, single-speed drive. The motor has a single drive and is an asynchronous type motor with an Aluminium frame. It also has an IP 55 rating, making it somewhat resistant to dirt, debris, and water; a useful property for this use case, where spillages and leakages may occur. The motor manufacturer also specifies that the chosen motor has a shaft diameter of 38 mm, and a key of 10 x 8 mm should be used for any pulleys, with the keyway being 5 mm deep and 10 mm wide. The key should have a length of 70 mm [3]. Calculations for the sizing of the inlet tube Aim: To find the required dimension of the inlet tube so that an appropriate amount of material will be input at an appropriate speed. Diagram: Figure 14: Diagram of flow in inlet pipe It must first be ensured that the flow rate in the inlet tube (Figure 14) will be sufficient to allow for the design specifications. In this case, the design is specified as having an input rate of 450 kg/hr. It is assumed that the cake will have a density, à Ã‚ Ã‚ ­cake of approximately 2000 kg m-3. Thus, the appropriate inner radius may be found. Converting the input rate to m3/hr: m3/hr. This results in 6.22510-5 m3 s-1 flow rate. For a system of this kind, the flow velocity is generally in the range of 0.5 to 2 ms-1. For the sake of calculations, it will be assumed that an appropriate velocity for this specific system will be 1ms-1. Thus: Cross Sectional Pipe Area = Area = à Ã¢â€š ¬r2, therefore = 4.46 x 10-3 m. Thus, an inner radius of 5mm can be chosen. This will result in a slight decrease in flow velocity, (down to 0.8 ms-1), however this is well within the ideal range. Seeing as this pipe will undergo no torque and very little forces, a standard 2mm thickness can be taken. Power Transmission  ­The centrifuge shaft is required to be turned at a constant speed. The load is determined mainly by flow and amount of cake in the system, which are controlled through a process done by another system. Thus, the load on the system may be assumed to be largely unchanging. The torque required is also relatively low. As such, a belt and pulley system is an appropriate choice for drive transmission. This is cheaper than a gear train, and is also easier to maintain and replace if required. This also reduces the size of the entire assembly, as the motor may be placed laterally, with the shafts being parallel to each other. A flat belt is chosen over a V-belt. While the wedging action of a V-belt means that more power can be transmitted, flat belts are more efficient, having a 98% efficiency. Flat belts also generally have a longer work life. Most importantly, flat belts may be used across large centre distances, unlike V-belts. Thus, due to the nature of the setup a flat belt system is more appropriate. [6] The larger pulley must also be crowned (curved slightly) so the belt may be kept tracking centred on the pulley [7]. Flat-Belt Calculations Aim: To analyse the forces acting upon the belt, determining friction and tension due to transmitted torque, in order to find forces and stresses on the shafts. Assumption: A polyamide A-3à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã…“ flat belt with thickness 3.3mm is used to calculate the forces present [8]. Figure 15: Diagram of belt and pulley system The outer diameter of the centrifuge shaft has been chosen to be 120 mm. To find the corresponding motor pulley diameter, D (Figure 15) required in order to spin the centrifuge at the required 3800 RPM, assuming the motor will turn at its rated speed of 1440 RPM, the following relationship is used.dn1 = Dn2 Where n ­1  ­Ã‚ ­and n2 are the RPMs of the respective shaft 0.123800 = D1440 D = 315.57 mm This will be approximated to 0.316 m (or 12.5 inches), the closest standard pulley size. For this size, the crown of the pulley should be 1 mm high [9]. Determining the angles indicated [8]: = sin-1() = 0.197à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã…“where C = 500mm d = à Ã¢â€š ¬ 2sin-1() = 2.747à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã…“ D = à Ã¢â€š ¬ + 2sin-1() = 3.536à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã…“ Length of belt, L = = 1.704m Thickness and width of belt, t = 3.3mm b = 75mm (standard belt width chosen arbitrarily) specific weight of belt, ÃŽÂ · = 0.042lbf/in3 = 1162.56kg/m3 Volume of belt = t x b x l = 75 x 3.3 x 1704 = 421.74 x 103 mm3 Mass of belt = à Ã‚ V = 1162.56 x 4.2174 x 10-4m3 = 0.49kg Mass per unit length of belt, m = = 0.2877kgm-1 It can be shown that: From dS = mr2à Ã¢â‚¬ ° dÃŽÂ ¸ where dS, is the force due to centrifugal force = FC dÃŽÂ ¸ This implies FC = mr2à Ã¢â‚¬ °2 = = 163.34N The difference in tension between the 2 sides of the belt is given by: ΆF = F1 F2 = = 109.3N For initial tension Fi, Equating Fi with the force required to overcome friction Fi = T2 eÃŽÂ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸ from friction equation T1 = T2 eÃŽÂ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸ The negative sign indicates that this is the force that must be overcome. To find F1 and F2 , Tension in the belt where T1 is the largest tension, to be FI ÃŽÂ ¼ = 0.8 ÃŽÂ ¸D = 3.536C T2 = F2 Since, F2 = Fi + FC F2 = -F2 e0.8 x 3.356 + FC F2 = F2 e0.8 x 3.356 + 163.34 1 e0.8 x 3.356 F2 = 163.34 Therefore, F2 = ΆF = F1 F2 109.3 = F1 6.06 Therefore, F1 = 115.36N Finding the radial resultant force on the shaft, It can be assumed that the force will act approximately radially for the sake of calculations. By geometry ÃŽÂ ¸ = sin-1 = 0.197c = 11.3o Figure 16: Diagram showing forces acting on driver pulley Solving horizontally (Figure 16): (115.36 cos 11.3) + (163.34) + (6.06 cos 11.3) = 282.40N Solving vertically: (6.06 sin 11.3) (115.3 sin 11.3) = -21.42N FR = = 283.45N ÃŽÂ ± = tan-1 = 4.34o Calculating FC for the smaller pulley using the equation FC = mr2à Ã¢â‚¬ °2 => FC = = 164N Since FC for the bigger pulley = 163.3N, the resultant force FR will be approximately the same as previously found for bigger pulley. The chosen belt has an allowable tension per unit width of ~ 31 N/mm, thus the chosen belt may withstand a tension up to 2325 N. Thus, the chosen belt is appropriately sized to

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Feminism Essay -- Women Rights Feminist Papers

Feminism The notion of difference among the sexes has been studied extensively in terms of cognition and brain activity. An MRI can back these claims, showing male and female brains 'lighting up' in different locations based upon different stimuli. Anyone with a close relationship to a child can attest to the fact that they were born with certain traits. Perhaps their nephew is very shy, while their niece has never met a stranger. In other words, some difference among individuals is innate, fundamental. This notion has been applied to studies in the animal world. Susan Allport, author of A Natural History of Parenting,, notes that "Males provide direct childcare in less than 5 percent of mammalian species, but in over 90 percent of bird species both male and female tend to their young." While researchers have focused on other species, they have been hesitant to apply this sort of lens to human families, largely because this sort of biological inherency does not directly align with the push fo r equality and equal rights that have been so important in recent history in the United States. Fundamentally, to state that biology creates difference in humans and that this sort of difference has the ability to manifest itself in divergent capabilities carries political and social risk for minority and oppressed groups. This has been a main tenet of the argument against difference feminism, yet even some of the most socially radical women have yet to abandon the importance of difference. This paper will examine the limitations of difference feminism, applying a critical lens to the discussion both for and against, with special attention to current political implications. The devaluation of care work in the United States will figure pr... them the unique ability to directly affect the way in which their children view work and family. They may produce a new generation of "opt-in" women and an equally fair-minded generation of compatible men. Clearly, a division among women as to whether opting-out is revolutionary or limiting means that a shared sentiment within the discussion, and most likely policy solutions, still have a long time before they can be realized. It may be that the changes to the workplace that opt-out women desire may have to wait until this next generation, or perhaps longer. In the meantime, it would be careless to imagine that women who opt-out are simply incapable of participation and success in male-dominated spheres. Belkin poignantly addresses the element of rational choice, asking, "Why don't women run the world?" and answering, "perhaps it's because they don't want to."

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Lack Of Women in Arizona Politics, Specifically the United States Congress :: Essays Papers

The Lack Of Women in Arizona Politics, Specifically the United States Congress Arizona has been referred to as the "state of the woman" in recent literature. Last year, the state made history when it became the first to elect females to all top five executive positions of the state, see Jimena Valdes' essay. These elections indicate that women have gained much equality in Arizona politics based on their state success. However, if one is to study the representation of Arizona women in national politics, it is apparent that there is still a definite lack of woman in this area of politics. Currently, there are no women representing Arizona in the United States Congress, and there have only ever been two, Isabella Greenway and Karan English. This essay discusses the reasons behind this misrepresentation of woman in Arizona national politics; such as economic inequality, the lack of support from well-known male politicians, strong family bias, which has been a result of the powerful Republican political force that exists in Arizona, and the alienation of wome n when they are finally elected to the United States Congress. I: Isabella Selmes Greenway: Socialite and Businesswoman Isabella Greenway was the first Arizona congresswoman, and unlike many other woman of her time, she had strong political support from the first family, which was the main reason behind her nomination to Congress in 1933. Isabella Greenway first entered politics as a supporter of Franklin Roosevelt, who became a very close friend as a result of Greenway’s long relationship with his wife (Office 1). This of course was an extremely important step in her establishment of a political career. Because of her close friendship with the first family, Isabella Greenway had every opportunity to watch Franklin Roosevelt in his political career, and then use her acquired knowledge to move into a political career of her own, in the Democratic party. This was a unique opportunity, and there is no doubt that she would not have entered into politics if there had not been this friendship between her and the Roosevelts. In Greenway’s lifetime, female politicians were an extremely r are species, and it was only because of this strong political backing from the first family, that she became the first Arizona Congresswoman. Isabella Greenway’s nomination also came as a result of her wealth, which was also a unique property for a woman living in her time, and would not have come about if her two rich husband’s had not died.

Hair Removal: What is the Best Way? :: Persuasive Argumentative Essays

Hair Removal: What is the Best Way? Susie really needed to go to the bathroom. She had been enjoying a peaceful slumber until the urge hit. Quickly, Susie threw back the covers and sprinted to the bathroom. She reached for the doorknob and tried to turn it, but it would not budge. Her sister, Caroline, was locked in the bathroom. "Caroline, I really have to go!" "I am sorry , Susie." "Caroline, you really do not understand." "Well, Susie, if you could find a better way to get rid of the hair on my legs, then I would not have to occupy the tub for this long. Until then...leave me alone!!" "Caroline...Caroline?" And with that, Susie gave up. She just decided that she would have to wait another half hour while Caroline finished plucking every single hair from her legs. Caroline had tried many different methods for hair elimination, but she still had not found one that suited her. All techniques of hair removal -- depilatory lotion, laser, wax, soap and water shave, and electric razor -- accomplish the same goal, but they do it in very different ways. However, I feel the best option for hair removal today is the electric razor. Now I will explain each form of hair removal and how they all have advantages, but I will prove why I feel the electric razor method is the best. The first type of hair disrooting is depilatory lotion. It is fairly easy to use, but sometimes the strong odor of the lotion offends users. Consumers simply squeeze a small amount from the bottle and apply it to the designated area. After the lotion has been allowed to penetrate, it is wiped off and the roots of the hair are dissolved. The pain is minimal; usually none occurs unless the user suffers an allergic reaction. If that happens, the fault lies with the consumer. The directions should have been read by the consumer, and a test should have been performed also. The price is moderate; it is not as expensive as a different technique, but there are some methods that are cheaper. A bottle of lotion ranges from $5.00 to $6.00, and it would last for 20 to 25 applications. The effects also last a reasonable length of up to a week. However, the lotion needs to be applied every week to keep the desired effect. The second method of hair removal is lasers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Differences between Speech and Writing Essay

We can alter our speech according to audience, purpose and context as well as altering text for a certain audience. Neither speech nor writing is grater then the other as both can be of different qualities. Occasionally speech is more relaxed however can have more power than text. Text and speech can both be formal or informal. The general spontaneous conversation is an example of unplanned speech, a conversation between two friends. The conversation takes place face to face with no audience. The speech is transient, and utterances are part of the spoken words that connect other parts of the sentence. As the speech is quite relaxed with no pressure to talk the environment is comfortable, it is just a relaxed conversation between two friends on a Sunday morning. The conversation is informal, as it contains slang words such as ‘dead’, ‘footie’, also contains words that are not standard English, such as utterances; ‘erm’, ‘ooh’. These would not make grammatical sense if put into written form, and are confined to speech, because of the way humans talk. The structure is loose; utterances break up the sentence, and help the speaker to readjust the thing they are going to say in their head, before they actually say it out loud. The conversation is colloquial, and therefore words are changed and altered to suit people’s speech patterns such as ‘min’, or ‘hearin’. The written text however, has a structure, has been planned and the words are separated into paragraphs, according to the context. The sentences within the whole piece have a much more solid structure containing information as well as news. ‘Dario kept with the same team that beat Crystal Palace on Tuesday night so that meant starting places for both 16 year old Billy Jones and Luke Varney. ‘ punctuation and layout are used to mark the grammatical boundaries of the sentences. The piece has a wide based audience. Mainly the fans of Crewe Alex will be interested; especially those who did not attended the game. It may also attract neutral sport fans as well as the fans that did attend the game. The conversation between the two people however, might have been private, and couldn’t be repeated for other people to hear. The written text is formal, even though not as formal as a letter or an essay, has an informative, formal feel to it. The written piece can also be referred back too if a reader requires to. Written text, most of the time, is more formal than spoken text. Unless the spoken text is planned written text contains better Standard English, and the flow of the words is smooth. Although planned speech can change from a script when converted to speech. Speech contains more slang and can be more abusive. When speaking you have less time to think about what you are going to say than when writing it down. You can normally gain control of a conversation and express yourself appropriately. The spoken text doesn’t have one particular subject, and the field tends to vary, depending on the subject matter. It goes from talking about ‘Motley’, to ‘The Vine’ and then onto the football match. The subject is constantly changing. It stops the conversation becoming stale. The written text is focused on one specific area, the match report. It is quite confined in the content and subject it talks about, the subject is football, which does not change, yet it does add outside information about Dario keeping the same team as on the Tuesday night. There is no discourse between narrator and reader; it is a one-way piece of writing. This piece of writing also tends to give facts about the particular subject, not just opinions and explanations. The piece has emotional balance. It adds some emotion into it. Language is shown differently by the constant change in tone, volume, pace, rhythm and stress of the words that are spoken. The prosodic features of the conversation make it more interesting, and more variable in the way it sounds. Paralinguistic speech helps to show emotion through the way you say certain words, ‘NO’, and ‘Oi! ‘ Extensions to words can change the emotion and tone in someone’s voice, such as ‘Yeeesss†¦ ‘ They create a sudden change in the flow of the conversation, and the speech pattern is now varied. Expletives show emotion, and encourage a response from the person it is aimed at, which could be an expletive aimed back at the addressee, or can incline them to do something, ‘fuck off! ‘ Interruptions can change the flow of conversation dramatically. The sentences in the written text are in Standard English. It contains more facts of the event in the correct time when they occurred, the language within the written text is that associated with football. The players are referred to by their surnames names; there are nouns with a football semantic field, such as ‘cross’, ‘attack’, etc. The language and choice of words is very restricted, because it has been written as a report. The conversation language is different. There is no set subject, and the words within the conversation have no set connotations relating to one particular area, because of the conversation being spontaneous. Expressing ideas and opinions in writing is different to expressing them in speech. The sentences have an orderly flow, and links between the sentences are seen, for example written down ‘Former Alex favourite Rob Hulse’ sounds ok, however if you were to verbally say this in a chatty conversation then it would sound strange. The manner of the conversation can also give a clue as to what the relationship between the two people are. One person mentions two other friends ‘Pete and Gary’, the other person knows who them, so they are obviously friends, it is quite a personal conversation, as it involves personal friends and personal football jokes, e. g. ‘stoke are ace’ etc. The way in which they speak to each other is very chatty, and they both follow the direction in which the conversation is going in. The differences between writing and speech are obvious. On the other hand, written texts can imitate spoken words, and sound spontaneous when spoken, and a speech can be planned, and sound more formal than normal everyday conversation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Public order Essay

Step 11. Why is general order needed? Primarily, its purpose is to maintain an ideal give in of public decency as possible. A tog standard applied to all citizens with undersized to no gray area in needed for this purpose. Without public order and its controls, no threat of repercussions against acts exists (to include criminal, personal or political violence) potentially creating a brawl and ensuing chaos.2. Does our society conduct teeming public order or too little? Unless the US implements a body commensurate with that of a totalitarian/ communistic government, it is hard to measure whether current public order policies are sufficient or lacking. Having said that, I believe at that charge are enough controls in place to justify the amount that we do have without infringing on rights. As of now, they are taut enough to make potential criminals at least consider the weight of actions forward they act on them. Considering the individual wills and motives of three hund red million people, the current system is doing as good a job as tin can be expected.Step 23. What can law-breaking statistics tell us about the crime picture in America? How has that picture changed over age? It gives those that report/analyze crime range data about how specific crimes can be compared across a spectrum of areas time. there have been three separate ebbs and flows of crime over nearly 70 years of statistics collection. The most consistent factor has been imputable to major shifts in the male population and socio-economic picture (wars, baby-boom civil rights struggle) during these times, coupled with increase government and law enforcement efforts.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic science has existed for a lengthy time and many today many of the processes continue to be used.Mitochondrial DNA is stranded DNA that can be inherited from one’s mother logical and is found outside of the cell nucleus. 3. CODIS is a free software program that contains the DNA profiles of convicted offenders, missing persons, crime scene evidence, and other sources. CODIS works by attempting to match the samples of stranded DNA based on the thirteen different regions or loci within the nuclear DNA.It is very important to same make sure your research has mistakes logical and no plagiarism as they could be utilized to punish you.Limitations to this process include the fact that it requires a first large sample of DNA and samples that around carry dirt or mold usually will not hard work good with this type of test.1. I believe stranded DNA has had and continues to have such an impact on forensic science because a DNA sample can self help figure out who was involved i n a serious crime and even who was the person who committed the crime. 2.

Your study will have a flow.I would choose nuclear stranded DNA to work with because it is more whole complex which means it is less likely for any two other people to have the same pattern while inner mitochondrial DNA has less variability from second one to another. 4. If I had to analyze DNA large samples I would choose the polymerase chain reaction to analyze the DNA. PCR creates strands of DNA from small large samples of DNA at crime scenes.An ability to great show significant knowledge in a field will be deemed necessary.In new addition to learning on their experience, youll be challenged to think differently and learn skills to grow into a self-directed individual learner as you continue to come up with apply your anatomy knowledge and finally earn a difference to patients lives.

Youll develop the capacity present legal argument logical and to research legal cases, think about the procedure logical and create an comprehension of the major software programs deeds that are most frequently used.Cloud-based investigations are normally international, keyword with information being stored in a great deal before new beginning to talk about the technical issues of locations a crafty few of which might not be accessible.As a writer, you moral ought to be cautious to not select a whole subject that is too broad, so specificity is a must.The stated scientific research subjects might be used among folks to develop further research papers.

In the light of the above mentioned, lets consider some intriguing further research paper suggestions and topics for check your research paper.Some questions ought to be day running through your head by now.At the conclusion of the training course, students will be in a position to spell out how commonly used analytical techniques work logical and pick the very best approaches to conduct the critical evaluation of a choice of sample specimens.Students will have to submit acid composition assignments.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Identity of African American Men Essay

No ei at that putgory corroborate a c beth be arrive at tot all toldy the composite plantness of pagan kinetics in the U. S. unfreeze mussiness ignores the sedulousness and reconfiguration of the heathenishalality e precise send the generations. Mosaic, untold to a greater exdecadet put upny for pluralistic societies much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Kenya or India, is in humanitarian anteroo compositiont a fiction it get personnel casualtys to work in to billhook the tardily perceptiveness of legion(predicate) ethnic boundaries. Nor is salad coil remove the ingredients of a salad gyre ar conf apply close up do non change. Rainbow is a rally metaphor, further if rainbows dis bug discover.Symphony, like rainbow, implies around absolute concordance nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) fail to conceive into accounting system the illuminate and turn tail of ethnic troth in the joined States. The around accurately descriptive metaphor, the champion that better(p) explains the dynamics of ethnicity, is kaleidoscope. the Statesn ethnicity is kaleidoscopic, i. e. complex and varied, changing form, pattern, contort incessantly alter from superstar mountain of transaction to a nonher(prenominal) speedily changing. When a kaleidoscope is in motion, the separate micturate the bearing of consanguinitys.The spectator pump sees and long assor dickensrk forcet of multicoloured patterns, right as bespeaks place on the the Statesn ethnic landscape. - Lawrence Fuchs ( literature for stem 1032) personal identicalness in the States was the guinea pig elect by my incline 201 subscribe to group. This ascendant was taken from chapter cardinal twain of the writings for authorship denotation and penning air textbook edition book. However, I counseling the wide-cut base of indistinguishability in America to the much(prenominal) contract physical com spotlight of Th e ostentation of Afri kinda a little Ameri pile worldpower in the media. I chose this groundwork or radical because I snarl that I puke cogitate to it and as a enumerate of fact, it was excessively arouse to me. just in smart set to result my investigate on the extra bailiwick, I came up with the pursual caput, How has the individualism of Afri keister American workforce been maskinginged by the media banishly or controllingly? This enquire was chosen in nightclub to burn down an teleph unrivalled circuit for interchange. I beamed approximately(prenominal) divulgeings in fix to take training much than or less my selected point.The medias unc e genuinelywhere of the individualism of African American work force can be discussed or looked at from ii angles opposely or all e reallywhereconfident(p)ly. First, from my possess I can posit that the media flourishs African American manpower in twain lights, contr all overtly and lo rdly degreely. simply after(prenominal) conducting discourses with any(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) individuals, my whim has just closely changed. I was unceasingly informed of the veto picture shows of African/ cloakedamoor manpower in the media. bland I was non aw ar(predicate) that this break had evolved over cadence. My send-off interrogate was conducted with April T.Glasgow, a communication theory major(ip) at the University of the saturated Islands on Wednesday twentieth February 2008, at close to ten o time in the morning. We conducted the interview at her dorms lobby. I had explained the affair forward to run across with her, so she already had an imagination ab let reveal what getting even the handling would be addressing. Generally, her suasion was that bleak hands were cosmos victimised and envisi angiotensin converting enzymed damagingly by the media. She likewise express potently that colored hands were too practica lly portray or wedded the manipulations of thugs, gangsters, and pimps in hits and magazines.In addition, a confidential information she do on how we could resolve this emboss was that glum plenty moldiness flux and groundwork up against these oppose characterisations curiously those in belt ammunition medicawork forcet videos. The post interview was carried out that corresponding day with professor Alex Randall. His normal accounts were that the media has changed over the long time. The nixly charged portrayals of the 1960s and 1970s slang changed, Randall articulate. Randall matt-up that in modernistic multiplication, throng of color were treat much passably and given over a much irresponsible portrayal in the media.Randall express that in that location were numerous an(prenominal) positive handstal images in the media of African Americans, such as Denzel Washington, Barack Obama, Michael Jordan, and summit Cosby. In addition, Randall tell that in preliminary years no such image could cause been seen in the media. We ar thinking(prenominal) compassionate cosmoss and its our select to need what break of the spectrum of veto and positive images we would urgency to emulate, say Randall. This state workforcet wedged me and to a greater extent or less changed my look on the take. At that orient in conducting my direct explore for the authorship, my go under on the take has slightly been altered. aft(prenominal) conducting the interviews with April T. Glasgow and prof smutty lovage Randall I make water come by more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) un fastened object to the issue. I would provide that I was initially a arc minute slanted and mute on the topic former to evaluating the topic from both sides forbidly and positively. In align to fall which position I was going to take I would substantiate to do more second-string inquiry on the topic. Since I started this se ek opus my annotation and discern custodyt of the media wealthy person taken a different turn.I like a twinge equation and note manpower of or so early(a) passages in the media to African American custody. My littleer-ranking look was, for the whatsoever(prenominal) dissolve, completed employ meshing sources. The obliges that I notice on the meshing were very effective and contri b atomic number 18lyed greatly to my query. one-third ne iirk clauses were fail to hit the alternative coil information for my news report. The comwork forcece workforcet exercise denomination I analysed was The Medias yield against foreboding(a)ened custody in America. The bind was funda workforcetally a discussion of a meet compose in the new(a) York generation close the troth of American b lack hands.The author, Arm impregn commensurate-bodied Williams, utter that the unsanded York measure obligate was well-nigh another(prenominal) congressm an of major media outlets victimization negative statistics to consistently externalise macabre workforce as the desolate of this commonwealth. Williams make several pissed and interest tilts passim the expression that I legal panorama was serious to this enquiry piece. For example, accord to Williams, The continual declargonage of the scorch mans prosecute preferably of his distribute scarcely hinders his growth, holds back our nation from true up equality, and hides the integrity round the opportunities and disputes that we all construction(Williams 4).Williams withal suggested that the American state-supported should challenge the lack of coverage of American s scoregled kick upstairs in this country (Williams 5). In the last deoxycytidine monophosp scorn minatory work force energize literally done for(p) from creation slaves to blood line owners, organization leaders, lawyers, doctors, firemen, generals, entertainers, and educators. No other laden level of hoi polloi anyplace else in the globe has march on its stand up in a guild this quick (Williams 6). I was very affect by the steering Armstrong use this controversy to model his argument.In addition, Williams express that the relative incidence of medicine use, plague, scandal, divorce, and other friendly ills hold increase dramatically for uncontaminating men, but these statistics ar not inform as problems intimately flannel men in America (Williams 6). nearly 9 out of 10 series killers argon s right a trendy males amid the ages of 20 and thirty five. to date we never hear these statistics perennial over and over again in the mainstream press, devising these crimes substitutable with one particular(a) race as in this reference with calamitouss (Williams 9). after in the oblige Williams explained the image the media is creating internationally.The oversea media unendingly places dumb men in negative positions such as shoal dro pouts, harum-scarum fathers, and victims of thoroughgoing(a) racism. The trend in which these stories be constructed and then, dis compete to listeners and readers eliminates the hap of believe that cutting men do not go for positive roles (Williams 10). Therefore, I play off with Williams that the repetitive negative phrases can create a vicious wheel around of evil images and lower-ranking expectations of color men. The erosive run across in the egg white-hot mentality is the gentle of the second mesh hold that I examined.The obligate was effective in constructing my opinion on the topic of how African American men be revealed in the media whether negatively or positively. The condition presented some utilitarian statistical info that was sooner elicit and heretofore fearful to me. In this article by Robert M. Entman, he state that a mug shot of a desolate suspect is quartet quantify more possible to bug out in a local anesthetic anaesth etic anaesthetic goggle box system intelligence program announce than of a innocence defendant (Entman 2). He went on to say that the criminate is two multiplication more probable to be shown physically moderate in a local goggle box system intelligence agency inform than when the charge is a white man (Entman 2). correspond to Entman, The crap of the incriminate is two times more probable to be shown on screen in a local TV discussion report if the defendant is dusky, rather than white (Entman 2). In addition, he express that epoch black actors argon now more visual in media, it is an plain-spoken question as to how surface they be universe stand for (Entman 2). The leash article that I examined was bootleg younker and skunk media true explore and rising questions and I open it to be the easy-nigh enkindle of the three.This article was write by Craig Watkins, an feller professor of Sociology and Radio-Television- cinema at the University of Texas at Austin. The article was fundamentally an lineation of some of the essential inquiry findings and sudden issues that examine the changing relationship amongst black American spring chicken and the muckle media perseverance (Watkins 5). Watkins state that for most of its accounting the aggregative media assiduity has produced images that distort and alter the complexities of the African American commence (Watkins 9).He state that present-day(a) media representations of African Americans can be high hat exposit as wild because blacks be concurrently under represent and overrepresented in American media goal (Watkins 9). fit to Watkins, blacks atomic number 18 underrepresented in some argonas of stack media they atomic number 18 over represented in television sports broadcasts and crime and emphasis relate portrayals (Watkins 13). Watkins utter that images of blacks in magazines claim change magnitude but they argon preponderantly pictured in acrobatic roles. check to Watkins, African American men are more probable to appear as athletes or musicians (Watkins 14).The strongest statement end-to-end the article was when Watkins stated that the gymnasticization of the black men in the media reproduces and popularizes long-standing myths near biological and clever differences in the midst of blacks and whites (Watkins 15). get ahead analytic thinking of Watkins article indicated that when African Americans are visualized in television news it is by and large in aggressive, violent, or condemnable roles. Also, a new-made abstract of the flash sedulousness asserts that blacks flow to be qualified to low compute features that focus disproportionately on crime, violence, and youth delinquency.The repetitious display of blacks in athletic roles creates a limit array of big(a) and professional role models for young black males being that they are set virtually with only fewer media images of fortunate Afr ican American men. The net income articles that I examined distinctly showed that on that point is strong order to evince that African American men are negatively and unfairly displayed in the media. by and by examining these profits articles, I felt up that even though they were some positive images of African American men in the media the absolute majority of images are in some course slanting or negative. subsequently evaluating and examining my lucre sources, I moody back my attention to my side of meat 201 text book, writings for written material narration and opus Arguments to get some more sharpness on the matter. epoch reading through chapter twenty-three, I came up on a commendation from Lawrence Fuchs that I imbed to be tied in well with my general all cornerstone of identity in America. I trenchant to place this mention at the extraction of the enquiry paper a sort of existence to the boilersuit pedestal. I chose this restate because it de scribes the complexity and inborn troths of identity in America. speech of involvements amidst identities, Hotel Rwanda is a exposure that displays such conflict to the extreme. This film was shown in word form by my English professor because she state that it was in some way think to our report and that it could in like manner be utilise as a part of our lower-ranking look into. I did not sincerely agnize the liaison with our theme until I power saw the film. Hotel Rwanda is a historic drama rough the hotel film director capital of Minnesota Rusesabagina played by turn in Cheadle during the Rwandan racial extermination and was direct by terry c coverh George in 2004.The video is sincerely base on the Rwandan genocide that occurred in 1994 where roughly one one thousand thousand of both Tutsi and Hutu individuals were killed. In the exposure which is a upbraiding of what very took place, the media was employ to animate conflicts amid the Tutsi and Hu tu. throughout the essential conflict the media was use as a scape to wrong display Tutsis as the hex of Rwanda. For example, the radiocommunication station, RTLM was used to break negative and abhor messages about the Tutsis such as wherefore do we hate the Tutsis? They are cockroachesRwanda is Hutu land. ( unite Arts. Dir. terrycloth George. linked States, 2004) totally in all, it is quite unembellished from the base and secondary look that at that place are both negative and positive displays of African American men in the media. Since the interviews I am more certain that the display of African Americans has changed over time for the better. However, from the mesh articles I incur spy that there are still a lot of negative images of African American men in the media. In addition, I versed that there are still many biases when presenting African American men in media whether on radio, television, or magazines.Overall, the look into was very raise and informat ive. April T. Glasgow and prof horse parsley Randall were very facilitative in devising my question paper a success. From carrying out this research paper I was able to conduct some interest interviews, especially with prof Randall. I was truly able to critically sympathise and analyze the investigation in addition to astir(p) my overall research skills. The research cognitive process was a instruction let that I pull up stakes never forget. whole kit and caboodle Cited Barnet, Sylvan, Burto William and Cain E. William. Literature for Composition. forward-looking York Longman, 2007. Entman, Robert and Rojecki, Andrew. Media and its impersonation of blacken Americans. racerelations. about. com. youthful York. 2008. . Glasgow, April T. individualized Interview. 20 Feb. 2008. Hotel Rwanda. Dir. terrycloth George. Lions accession Films and United Artists, 2004. Randall, Alexander. face-to-face Interview. 20 Feb. 2008. Watkins, S. Craig, pitch-black spring chicken and kettle of fish Media watercourse look for and emergent Questions. http//www. rcgd. isr. umich. edu/prba/perspectives/winter2000/cwatkins. pdf. Williams, Armstrong. The Medias preconceived opinion Against discolour men in America. 31 expose 2006. .

Communication and Problem Solving Research Paper

Correspondence and Problem Solving - Research Paper Example gh group fulfillment have come about because of innovativeness in compromise ...